I can't buy anything

I have several things in my cart which I tried to purchase and I keep getting ...
Payment Failure: Error Communicating with the processor, please try again later (AN)
... I even tried a different credit card and got the same failure. I check both cards and there is plenty of money left on them. Is this a problem on my end or on DAZ's end?
If it is on DAZ's end, what happens to the items that I have in the cart that are on sale?
Post edited by Drogo Nazhur on
I'm getting the same error message while trying to check out.
Thank you. So we can assume the problem is NOT with US
My connection to the site went down briefly. It's back now but the check-out problem is still happening.
Have to get to sleep. Work in the morning. Guess I'll miss out on the fast grab. Hopefully they will get it fixed soon.
If they're today's new fast grab items, they'll be most likely be there tomorrow, as well.
I just tried again now and it also worked. Thank you.
It WAS fixed but its messing up again!
Have you tried a different browser or device?