any 'jungle style' daggers?

DrekkanDrekkan Posts: 459

In the middle of doing a sort of female Tarzan type scene in a jungle where the girl in question is going Rambo climbing a palm tree with a makeshift style basic dagger in her teeth trying to get a good position to strike on her potential dinner further down. Trouble is I can't really find any daggers or knives that have that crudely made 'jungle type' style with that homemade/makeshift type look. If I was to use a proper hunting knife it would look out of context to the scene considering those knives/daggers are specially made and would make no sense how she got it. I have ave checked out a few barbarian/jungle clothing items around here and hoped maybe some may have the type of weapon I was after as a prop with the clothing but no luck so far.

Anyone got any idea's where to find such a thing pls? it has to look like it was made crudely,


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