Weird stuff behind the knee...

Can anyone explain to me what's happening here?

Everything was fine and then this week I noticed this happening with all my figures.

900 x 900 - 61K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Looks like a corrective morph that should be tied to a shape kicking in when it shouldn't. Apply the minimum pose required to show the issue, probably just a knee bend. In the Parameters pane make sure that Show Hidden Parameters is on in the option menu >Preferences (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) and go through the Currently Used group to see which active slider is causing this. What is/are the slider(s)' names?

  • gerterasmusgerterasmus Posts: 287

    Stud_LeftKnee90 is at 59.89% when I bend the knee to 53.95652. When I put Stud_LeftKnee90 to 0, the bend looks natural.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Do you have any characters named Stud installed?

  • gerterasmusgerterasmus Posts: 287
    Searched "STUD" and this is it.
    1080 x 2340 - 839K
  • gerterasmusgerterasmus Posts: 287
    In my folders in the DAZ3D folder.
  • leemoon_c43b45a114leemoon_c43b45a114 Posts: 883
    edited June 2020

    I loaded the base G8M and dialed in the Toon Hero character.  I don't see the knee bend issue that you're having, gerterasmus.  

    Also, I can't find any reference to dials (hidden or otherwise) named "Stud_LeftKnee90" or any permutation of "Stud_".  

    It's likely that I don't have the same characters/figures you have.  It doesn't appear to me that the Toon Hero figure is contributing to the issue.  Perhaps there's another figure that installed with "Stud_" as parameter dial prefixes?

    Have you installed any new characters or morph add-ons in the last week?


    Post edited by leemoon_c43b45a114 on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    JoeQuick has mentioned before that Toon Hero was originally called Toon Stud, so that is likely the culprit. 

  • leemoon_c43b45a114leemoon_c43b45a114 Posts: 883
    edited June 2020

    Gordig might be right on this.  I did some deeper searching for hidden parameters and I do see the Stud_* hidden dials.  So, I stand corrected on my earlier comment. :)

    Good job, Gordig!


    Post edited by leemoon_c43b45a114 on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Do you have any freebie characters or characters from other stores? If not you could try running this script (copy the code and paste into the ScriptIDE pane, then click Execute - the list of products currently used will appear in the grey area at the bottom of the pane).

  • gerterasmusgerterasmus Posts: 287

    No freebie characters or any from any other store.

    Got Thorn last week and installed him.

    Do you have any freebie characters or characters from other stores? If not you could try running this script (copy the code and paste into the ScriptIDE pane, then click Execute - the list of products currently used will appear in the grey area at the bottom of the pane).

    Do you have that in English, please?

    This is the folder with Toon Hero's files in...

    1765 x 363 - 74K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Welll, that certainly llooks suggestive - I would open a technical suport ticket so that this can be checked.

  • FrinkkyFrinkky Posts: 388

    I've checked with a colleague (I don't have this personally) and they confirm Stud_LeftKnee90.dsf is indeed in data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\Joequick\Stud. 

    In the Parameters tab, with Show Hidden Properties checked and under Hidden/Correctives/Stud and then under the Parameter Settings.../Controllers you should only see:

    ERC [DeltaAdd] > Left Shin:Bend
    ERC [Multiply] > Trip:Toon Hero Body

    eg. it should only be activated partially or wholly depending on how much Toon Hero Body is applied. If there's anything else in the Controllers list, do let us know... although redownloading and reinstalling the product should fix any issues - assuming an update hasn't introduced the issue in the first place.

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721

    Toon Hero is Stud.

    I just double checked and it looks like the jcm is wired up correctly.  It should not be applying when the Stud (eh... hero) isn't dialed in.

    Like, clearly it is for you, but I don't know why.  


    1918 x 1080 - 1M
  • gerterasmusgerterasmus Posts: 287
    That's Dain straight out of the box. No other character dialed in. Happens to all male characters I load. Perhaps uninstall and reinstall some and see if that fixes it?
  • I have Dain and Toon Hero as well.  Loaded Dain without any other characters dialed in and see no bending issues.

    My G8M library consists of about 74 DAZ purchased characters plus a handful purchased at another major marketplace.  I also have various morph packs for body shaping/bending purchased here.  I think I've only added one freebie musculature morph pack from SickleYield that was available at another site.

    I would be interested in knowing if a reinstall of any of your products solve the bending issue, gerterasmus.  I'm sorry I can't reproduce the issue with my G8M assets.

    I wonder if it would be helpful for me to run the list_products_used script that Richard suggested earlier?  That way a side by side comparison could be done to see if some particular product is causing the unexpected bending behaviour, assuming gerterasmus can run the same script for comparison.


  • gerterasmusgerterasmus Posts: 287
    I'll try reinstalling today. All my G8 makes do this now. If that doesn't work I'll try running the script, if someone can explain to me how to do it in a some manner, preferably with pictures. LOL.
  • gerterasmusgerterasmus Posts: 287
    Ok. So I've uninstalled Toon Hero and everything works fine. Reinstalled him and, so far, it still looks as if everything's fine. Will keep an eye out though if it will kick in again. Happened on my laptop at home and my PC at work (not allowed to have it on there, but...) And seems to have happened after I installed Thorn for Landon. Will see if the fix works at work too tomorrow.
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