Boudoir Photo Studio - strange spotlight [solved]

Just bought Boudoir Photo Studio and Lights for 3DL - - to see how it would work with Iray. It seems to work fine but there is some kind of spotlight making a bright spot on the background that I can't find the source for. Any idea what that is and how to turn it off or adjust it? See video:
Post edited by Taoz on
Just found out that if I apply the Iray Uber shader to all the Studio objects the light is no longer visible in the viewport, but it's still there when I render.
That's interesting. I've noticed that there is a lighting difference between perspective view and camera view sometimes. I wonder if there is some kind of default light implemented when in perspective view. Do you have a camera loaded? Try looking at the scene through a camera and see if the light is still visible.
Perspective View does have a camera light, it's turned on if Auto Headlamp under Render Settings is set to "When No Scene Lights", which seems to be default.
But after some experiments I've found out that it has something to do with the Base Bump setting on the wall, which is very low. It seems to be a reflection of the camera light (probably depending on the glossy/reflection settings) which changes with the Bump setting. See video here, where I move the Bump setting up and down from 0 and up - the spot gradually dissipates when you increase the setting: