Makeup tips

Hi, Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this. But here goes. I've been using Daz for a while now (2 years) and I absolutely love working with it. I mostly work with female models, but being a guy I don't really know much about makeup. I do know what I like, but I often have to redo hours of work because the makeup looks bad. So, are there any recommended site or tutorials on how to properly apply makeup and combine colors the best way? I use Genesis 8 and the skin builder 8 product the most for makeup.
I feel a bit weird asking my female friends how to explain colors and such although they do try to help, but none of them wear makeup that often so they also don't have a lot of experience with it. So I do wonder if there's good sites and tutorials for this. I've been looking on pinterest for inspiration but they seems too advanced for me, hehe.
Yeah, a make-up tutorial would be nice. I'm not a fan of some of the make-up supplied with characters, and I especially dislike full face masks like the one that comes with Victoria 8. For that reason, most of my renders don't include any make-up at all.
One tip that I got here on the forums is about reducing the opacity for LIE make-ups in the Lie Image Editor to tone them down, but that only works for LIE, obviously. There are some nice LIE make-up sets available here, but you have to tone some of the looks down a lot.
I've got both of those in my wishlist! I need to check them out when I got a bit more money to spend. My biggest problem is just that I don't know how make it look pretty, I use the skin builder 8 makeup option all the time, but it often doesn't look like I want it too (because I'm inexperienced with makeup, the option are very nice though! It's my most used product probably so I love it!). I've been thinking about following a makeup course for tips and tricks, but as a guy that would be kinda weird.
Well, there are all kinds of make-up channels on Youtube for just general advice. Like lots and lots and lots.
There is also different styles of makeup depending on where you are or what you are doing: Corporate work (subtle), part-time work or casual-style work might be more playful, school (teen vs college, both different), exercise or housework, hanging around, night out with friends, date night, stage makeup (needs to be seen from a distance). Fantasy/Sci-fi can be what you make it. Western and historical eras, there was makeup, which is its own story. Truthfully, if you are doing something sweaty, it runs into your eyes and makeup makes it worse. So, gloss possible with sunscreen but otherwise none. Unless someone is just posing.
Your age or culture may affect how much you wear too. A young child or young teen, may only wear gloss; but that young teen, moving into mid-teen years tries blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow. But if school has strict dress codes, that has an impact. Then you have the rebellion group. Not always Goth, which seems to be fading away somewhat, but maybe from too strict parents/religion. (My mother did that, at the beginning of WWII.)
Makeup goes through styles that are impacted by popular culture. During my life, there has been the Elizabeth Taylor's Cleopatra's makeup & the British Mod look in the 60s, Hippies, Barbara Striesand and Liza Minnelli's impact in the 70s, Hard Rock of the 80s, Seattle Grunge in the 90s. I haven't paid too much attention since then. Just don't wear makeup anymore due to severe allergies to it.
Suggest looking at teen and adult women's fashion magazines that have spreads on makeups with tips. Think about women on in public you like the look of, and google their pictures, study them.
When department stores open again, or beauty supply stores do; maybe go in with a female friend and ask if they will do a makeup on her and ask for tips on application. I have found makeup artists to be very friendly and helpful. Yes they want to sell a product, but they also want return customers, so they are interested in getting the right product for your needs.