Need Assistance with fixing broken Skin Builder Paths

Hello All,

I have Skinbuilder 8 with Daz Studio 4.12.  I had recently upgraded my hard drive and I had moved the necessary files over to it and this includes my Skin Builder folder where I have all my custom skin builds.  However, upon moving it, I now get a error message in Daz Studio saying it cannot find the files.  I have tried to reestablish the links and point Daz to the new directory, however, when I look inside the Skin Builder folder, the files that it is asking for are not there.  So I don't know what happened.   I am hoping someone with experience on the file structure of Skin Builder can assist me in reestablishing the files to my skin builds as quite a few of my characters I cannot use now.

Thank you,



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,890

    What files is it asking for?

  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711
    edited June 2020

    What files is it asking for?

    Many files actually the files are all like a number code like this:


    Now when I go to the new location and try to fine the files by following those paths, they are not in the new location.  For example, I am looking to see what is after "Skin Builder" in that path given that is the Skin Builder folder.   Now I don't get why I can't find the files there as I am not aware of deleting anything in that folder.  So I don't know what is happening.  All I did was move the directory to a new drive.

    SkinBuilder Missing Files.JPG
    504 x 343 - 40K
    Post edited by jukingeo on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,890

    That's certainly an odd looking path

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    jukingeo said:

    What files is it asking for?

    Many files actually the files are all like a number code like this:


    Now when I go to the new location and try to fine the files by following those paths, they are not in the new location.  For example, I am looking to see what is after "Skin Builder" in that path given that is the Skin Builder folder.   Now I don't get why I can't find the files there as I am not aware of deleting anything in that folder.  So I don't know what is happening.  All I did was move the directory to a new drive.

    The numbers are generated by Skin Builder, presumably to ensure all filenames are unique. One thing I notice in your image, though, is there is a space after "Daz Studio" in your path, (i.e. g:/daz studio /skin builder…)

    I'd start by checking to see if there are two folders, one with the space at the end and one without; See if it's possible the files you can't find are in a directory without the trailing space.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    jukingeo said:

    What files is it asking for?

    Many files actually the files are all like a number code like this:


    Now when I go to the new location and try to fine the files by following those paths, they are not in the new location.  For example, I am looking to see what is after "Skin Builder" in that path given that is the Skin Builder folder.   Now I don't get why I can't find the files there as I am not aware of deleting anything in that folder.  So I don't know what is happening.  All I did was move the directory to a new drive.

    You've got a space at the end of "daz studio ".  Does your new path include that space in the directory name?

  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711
    edited June 2020
    Sevrin said:
    jukingeo said:

    What files is it asking for?

    Many files actually the files are all like a number code like this:


    Now when I go to the new location and try to fine the files by following those paths, they are not in the new location.  For example, I am looking to see what is after "Skin Builder" in that path given that is the Skin Builder folder.   Now I don't get why I can't find the files there as I am not aware of deleting anything in that folder.  So I don't know what is happening.  All I did was move the directory to a new drive.

    You've got a space at the end of "daz studio ".  Does your new path include that space in the directory name?

    No, that isn't the issue, as everything to the left of "/skin builder" directory doesn't exist anymore.  The issue is what lies after that point and trying to point Daz studio to the new location.  Technically I just moved the entire folder over, so the files should be in that directory, but they are not.  So something happened.  I think I have to look at this from another angle and find out where a figure is making the call for a file in the skin builder directory and perhaps make the change there manually to point to the new directory.

    The naming structure is very weird for the files.  That is why I asked for someone with some insight to Skin Builder's file naming structure to assist me as I have no idea what some things mean such as the .."&&SB&&" parts.

    Post edited by jukingeo on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    jukingeo said:
    Sevrin said:
    jukingeo said:

    What files is it asking for?

    Many files actually the files are all like a number code like this:


    Now when I go to the new location and try to fine the files by following those paths, they are not in the new location.  For example, I am looking to see what is after "Skin Builder" in that path given that is the Skin Builder folder.   Now I don't get why I can't find the files there as I am not aware of deleting anything in that folder.  So I don't know what is happening.  All I did was move the directory to a new drive.

    You've got a space at the end of "daz studio ".  Does your new path include that space in the directory name?

    No, that isn't the issue, as everything to the left of "/skin builder" directory doesn't exist anymore.  The issue is what lies after that point and trying to point Daz studio to the new location.  Technically I just moved the entire folder over, so the files should be in that directory, but they are not.  So something happened.  I think I have to look at this from another angle and find out where a figure is making the call for a file in the skin builder directory and perhaps make the change there manually to point to the new directory.

    The naming structure is very weird for the files.  That is why I asked for someone with some insight to Skin Builder's file naming structure to assist me as I have no idea what some things mean such as the .."&&SB&&" parts.

    I'm pretty sure that Skin Builder assigns those numbers to differentiate between the different skins you might build.  

    Did you consider posting in the Commercial thread?

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845
    jukingeo said:
    Sevrin said:
    jukingeo said:

    What files is it asking for?

    Many files actually the files are all like a number code like this:


    Now when I go to the new location and try to fine the files by following those paths, they are not in the new location.  For example, I am looking to see what is after "Skin Builder" in that path given that is the Skin Builder folder.   Now I don't get why I can't find the files there as I am not aware of deleting anything in that folder.  So I don't know what is happening.  All I did was move the directory to a new drive.

    You've got a space at the end of "daz studio ".  Does your new path include that space in the directory name?

    No, that isn't the issue, as everything to the left of "/skin builder" directory doesn't exist anymore.

    If it's still looking for the files there when the directory is not referenced in DS anymore then the scene or preset probably contains references to those files with an absolute path.

  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711
    Sevrin said:
    jukingeo said:

    No, that isn't the issue, as everything to the left of "/skin builder" directory doesn't exist anymore.  The issue is what lies after that point and trying to point Daz studio to the new location.  Technically I just moved the entire folder over, so the files should be in that directory, but they are not.  So something happened.  I think I have to look at this from another angle and find out where a figure is making the call for a file in the skin builder directory and perhaps make the change there manually to point to the new directory.

    The naming structure is very weird for the files.  That is why I asked for someone with some insight to Skin Builder's file naming structure to assist me as I have no idea what some things mean such as the .."&&SB&&" parts.

    I'm pretty sure that Skin Builder assigns those numbers to differentiate between the different skins you might build.  

    Did you consider posting in the Commercial thread?

    No, I didn't, would a moderator be needed to move this thread there?  I know most forums do not like it when you put multiple instances of the same or similar thread up.


    Leana said:

    If it's still looking for the files there when the directory is not referenced in DS anymore then the scene or preset probably contains references to those files with an absolute path.

    Understood, but I am thinking that somehow the files that Daz is looking for is either changed, or it is simply looking for the wrong file.  This is why I wanted to examine a full path to what is in the Skin Builder folder already.  This is actually the second time I am going through this and it seems that whenever I move the Skin Builder directory, all hell breaks loose.   I know this might sound like just simple path and file location basics, but something else is happening as to why I can't find the files.   It is one thing that Daz can't find them, but another if I can't find them and I know where I moved the new directory too.   So I don't get what is happening.  I really need to speak to someone that knows the ins and outs of Skin Builder, because I am losing somewhat valuable characters because of this.




  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    edited June 2020

    Skin Builder builds the skin and then puts them where you tell it to.  It's job is done once you accept the result.  It then has no further involvement with your character.  No Christmas cards, no Facebook friendship, no child support, nothing.  You can uninstall Skin Builder and your character will still have its skin.

    The paths telling DS where to find those skins are then included with what ever presets you use to save your character.  What you need to do is figure out where your skins are and relink them to the character using the Surfaces tab, and then save your character with the new paths.

    Post edited by Sevrin on
  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711
    Sevrin said:

    Skin Builder builds the skin and then puts them where you tell it to.  It's job is done once you accept the result.  It then has no further involvement with your character.  No Christmas cards, no Facebook friendship, no child support, nothing.  You can uninstall Skin Builder and your character will still have its skin.

    Really?  That isn't what is happening with me.  With the link not being established with the skin in the Skin Builder directory, the character's skin comes out strange looking, mostly a block of black, sometimes there is no detail on the skin.   It does some pretty weird stuff. The last time it happened to one of my characters, I had to go back to the base character (which is an unaltered skin version), put it back into Skin Builder and attempt to redo the skin as best as I can remember.

    Sevrin said:

    The paths telling DS where to find those skins are then included with what ever presets you use to save your character.  What you need to do is figure out where your skins are and relink them to the character using the Surfaces tab, and then save your character with the new paths.

    That would be the logical thing, but I am telling you, the files somehow dissappeared or were renamed...and not by me,  but looking at the flattened out character skins and trying to match them up by eye seems to be impossible at best.   I did attempt to just "pick one" and while it did re-establilsh the link to the file, it was the wrong one.   As it is in the example I said above, I manually tried to look for that file and I just can't find it.


  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Well, your body best bet is still to post in the thread I linked to better answers.

  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711
    Sevrin said:

    Well, your body best bet is still to post in the thread I linked to better answers.

    Okay, I will post the issue over there and will see what happens.



  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711


    So far I have found out that the files are NOT being deleted...they are being renamed and and are recalled from a different path.  Skin Builder has a file naming option, which is what I have been using and I can find the files using this 'stored' path, but it seems that Skin Builder doesn't make a link to this path, but rather another one that it makes on its own.  For some reason, I can't find these file on this other path.   It is really strange how it works and it took me a long time to figure it out.

    IF  Daz Studio asks for the file location, I can make a path to the saved files and I can get it to work, but it is very tedious.  However, Daz doesn't always ask for the file location and just tells me that files are missing.   So I still need to know where these paths are located when a saved character or scene is recalled so this way I can manually re-establish the links.

    I am finding this to be a huge downfall with Skin Builder as if you move the directory for any reason, you will lose your character skins.  If you saved them, like I have, then there is the arduous task of restablishing the links to the new location.   Needless to day this isn't cool.

    So what I need to know now is when you load up a character or a scene, where the paths are located that make the links to the Skin Builder files.  I have to re-establish the links manually now.   This was the information that I iniitally requested above and I need to get in there otherwise I will not be able to fix my characters..

    Thank you,


  • Hey jukingeo! I had the EXACT SAME PROBLEM and I was tearing my hair out and wondering if I somehow screwed up the install because nobody mentioned this issue anywhere else! That is until I had found your threads on the issue and scoured through the responses and was able to find a solution.

    My exact procedure before finding a solution was:

    • Starting with a fresh install
    • Then in the settings tab I cleared temp directory
    • Finally I selected the option to pick a new path to the temp directory, went up a level to SkinBuillderG8FMR, then selected the CreatedMatFiles folder and saved the path

    I suspect the final step is the only essential one, I assume there was likely some pathing error that I missed and re-setting the file path it wanted was the solution. I hope this helps!!

  • ee_hee269ee_hee269 Posts: 17

    This is driving me absolutely insane. I have "repaired" my characters 4 times and today is the first time it completely jacked up the characters and a scene of mine (so now, 5 times). I had copied and saved the correct file path the 2nd time this issue occurred just in case it happened again (which it did a 2 more times, but was able to fix thanks to my own foresight) and that is no longer valid and I do not understand why. The files were replaced and I did not tell it to. I had not saved anything, changed anything. Literally shut PC down, turned PC on. These are not stored in the temporary folder. They were in a completely seperate and what should of been safe folder location. I will try jmirmotahgari's procedure as soon as I find/fix my characters yet again if I even can this time.

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