ISO: takeaway coffee cup, smart prop for G8F

in The Commons
I'm searching for a takeaway coffee cup, that is a smart prop for G8F (loads into her hand, with a hand pose)
I feel I may already have one in a set somewhere but have no idea. Does anyone know of any?
There was a product within the last few weeks that might have had them
... this is it.
thank you! bit more than I wanted to spend but I'll put that on the list! :)
Comes with G8M poses that should work on G8F
and additional poses
Haven't played with them yet
hmm it says "wearable presets for a coffee cup, sandwich and sandwich carton"....would that mean it loads into the hand, not an actual full pose?
Not sure and I can't fire up my Render laptop until I finish work - unless someone who has it and access to their Content can test.
That usually means it loads like a smart-prop into the hand and poses just the hand to grip the cup (not a full-body pose)
great, thank you!
if it's set to load into G8Male hand, will it still work if I use G8F? (with perhaps a bit of tweaking for height etc)
Yeh, I get that.
it worked, perfect!
cup loads into left or right hand, and i just used those translate tools to move it a smidge to get into G8F's lady hand (LOL)
Man, that's a HUGE coffee cup! I'm not used to big cups like that.
It's a long way to your first break of the morning. You need that coffee to last.