Looking for person to act as a tutor

in The Commons
Will pay hourly rate for lessons. I have been using DAZ Studio since its inception on and off. I have some idea for childern's books and want to get up to speed as quick as possible. Need someone is patient who can work with me to get me to being an intermediate level user. I tried using the DAZ Getting Started interactive tutorial but found that I had problems immediately with missing files.
Not to dissuade you from parting with your hard earned money, but you can get lots of free help here in the forums. There are also a number of video tutorials over at YouTube.com.
Missing files would indicate that all of the product was not installed.
The biggest decision is which renderer you want to be using, 3Delight or one of the other options OR Iray. Then acquire the suitable lights and shaders you want to use for the chosen render system.
Before shopping, it is a very good idea to buy a PC membership. Pays for itself in no time even, likely even with the first order ;-) Right now there is a big sale on and each day there have been items for $1.99 for example.
I have been down that road before and it is just too frustrating. I need to get up to speed quickly. I need someone as a mentor who will walk me through the process. With DAZ there are too many pitfalls and challenges. Everything seems easy when you look at the tutorials, but when you actually try to follow them, there are always problems. I remember the last time I tried to duplicate the look and feel of some of the vendor ads and found it impossible on my own. I just do not want to spend endless hours when some direct help will give me the answers that I need. A friend of mine who is a physcologist told me that the fastest way to get up to speed is to find someone who can guide you through the process. Money is not the problem -- time is the issue, iI catch on fast. If I ask someone who is knowledgeable to show me how something was done, I can usually take it from there. I cannot jpresent an image on a forum and ask someone to tell me how it was done.
BTW, I already have a PC membership. I have bought tons of products that way and have saved literally thousands of dollars over the years.
Sounds like you are asking for help making good renders rather than help with using the program?
Are you looking for 'live' tutoring through screen sharing or similar, or are you looking for email type tutoring. If it's 'live' tutoring your after then would be very useful to know which timezone you are in. It's really not practicable to try and do live tutoring if it's the middle of the night for either person.
Only mentioned about the membership because no, clicking on your profile PC+ membership is not showing. Glad to hear you have one though 'cause yes, one sure saves a lot of money :-)
I disagree; there are more than two render options available. They are certainly the simplest to get started with, but not the best imo.
Personally, I spend some time on Youtube and these forums; you need to know enough to know if the person being a tutor has a clue.
Interesting that I have not found anyone from this forum who is interested. I did find someone who appears to be qualified and willing to help for a nominal fee. Time will tell if it works out.
First of all, a book must have a story. It might not even be a good story, but there has to be a story to tell. So the first thing to do is to choose your story. Then figure out what elements (figures, props, etc) it needs and what look it needs. Since you're talking about a children's book (or books), in a 3D-art forum, it's pretty much a given that you want a "picture book". Totally cool, but what's it about? The theme and audience (and your own tastes) will point you in the direction of the look you want.
Since most children's books (in an American market, anyway) are illustrated with very stylized imagery, you're probably safe using "toon-style" or otherwise NPR (non-photorealistic) shaders, and sticking with the 3Delight render engine. I hope these pointers, at least, will help you get started on your project.
I did not say there were only 2 render options available. I simply did not list them all. Aside from the other options available in D/S there are also at least a couple of third party purchases options.
I've played a doctor, a Southern preacher, a pirate, a messed up Darth Vader impersonator, a Russia submarine captain, an alcoholic documentary filmmaker (with a penchant for mating wildlife), an out of work grim reaper and a gorilla (that I just do for the hell of it)... I think I could act like a tutor.
Wait... are we doing serious tutor or comical tutor?... also could we try out gorilla tutor?