Reflection Question...
Noticed that all of my reflective surfaces got this weird dotted pattern, currently only using environmental lighting if that helps. Is there a fix for this?
UPDATE: Got rid of the artifacts, was caused by using height and normal maps at the same time. Stange that a lot of stuff comes with both applied.
Post edited by Saint on
Chances are is that they are not artifacts, but how the developer intended them to look since it has the maps.
hard to tell, what is the item in the image?
It was occuring on multiple items from multiple artists where both height and normal maps were used on the same surface, so I just removed the height maps and the artifacts disappeared.
To answer your question the item in the screenshot is a sledgehammer from one of the "Kill 'Em All" sets by Sareth.
Chances are it was supposed to be set up like that. Many people use the different maps for different levels of detail — usually the normal map is used for fine detail, but it varies.