UltraScenery - Pines

in The Commons
The promo says that this product “contains” 7 trees of the Natures Tree Pack 4. If it contains these trees, why is NTP4 listed as a required add-on? Ultrascenery pines either contains or leverages NTP4. Which is it? Do I have to buy NTP4 in addition to Ultrascenery-Pines, or just Ultrascenery-Pines for it to work properly?
It does require NTP4. The wording was "This product contains 7 new ecologies featuring the wonderful pine trees found in Andrey Pestryakov's Nature Trees Pack 4.". It does not contain the trees and the list of required products for "UltraScenery - Pines" is correct.
Let’s get Andrew to put NTP4 on sale. Why make people wait weeks or months? If it’s required, why not put it on sale too in order to boost sales of the whole enchilada?
I'll second that.
A friendly suggestion: If this is an attempt to wring out an extra few bucks from me thinking I can’t wait until NTP4 goes on sale, that’s a mistake. I always wait to the price is right. Might as well let the cash register ring today and make some money, instead of weeks later. Why put it off?
"Nature Trees Pack 4" was released on April 27th, so it is still a "new" product. New products usually aren't on sale except during their intro period.
i went ahead and sprung for "Nature Trees Pack 4" ,, but if it released APril 27, it will fgo off new pretty soon... and probably on sale for less than half of what I just paid.
Not to mention he's not "Andrew". As usual, @Leana understands. I bought Nature Trees Pack 4 when it was introduced, same as the current UltraScenery - Pines. Pack4 is a worthy addition to the Library on its own.
If that happens in the next 30 days and the sale allows it, you can always buy it again for the lower price and return your original purchase.
thanks ..that would be great. I'll keep an eye on it.
How long is the 'new' category active? Is it 60 days, or 90? If it came out on 4/27 it won't go out of the New category for another week or so if the first, but not until the end of the month next month if the 2nd.
Should be 60 days.
DAZ should just end all sales, then there would be nothing to complain about, LOL Just the 30% off for PC membership on new items only. Still cheaper than the normal 3D stores.
I agree about ending sales but not about pricing. For many, this is a hobby they can only afford at drastically reduced pricing. I'm one of them and I never buy anything from the DAZ store (or Rendo) at full price. But the constant sales tactic is clearly a working marketing strategy because people just love a bargain. If an artist is modelling for a specialist community or the movie industry, then prices are going to be high. If it is for a predominantly hobbyist market with "mass" appeal, then the price will be low. I've discussed in another thread whether or not I should invest in PC+ but I still decided against it mainly due to the fact that I don't like most of the products listed as PC.
I think DAZ could change their marketing in a different way, however. I guess that there are two main drivers for adopting this hobby: Sci-fi and/or historical fantasy is one and contemporary (including adult) fantasy is the other. PC products seem to cater mainly for the former which is why I'm not interested - I buy mainly characters, props and clothing that I would see in my daily life. DAZ could split the store (and the forum) to cater for those two interest groups. But that's a whole new discussion.
Those of us who were addicted to UltraScenery from the beginning have been following the commercial forum. HowieFarkes took the time to mention that a pines ecology using Nature Trees Pack 4 would be coming, so lots of us bought the trees on sale at that time, just in anticipation of the release of the new ecology. If you didn't get the trees then, you can get the ecologies now and wait for the trees to go on sale later, the opposite of what the rest of us did.
I bought the US Pines...and Andrey's Nature Pack 4 Pines (at full price - they're nice and he deserves money for his time, so I'll throw him a bone) AND Mossy Hollow Botanica ;). No regrets here.
me too sort of .. there was a 10% off deal going on so I used that ... but nearly full price. I bought Botanica while that 50% off sale was going on, so picked it up really cheap.
Very occasionally DAZ will have a Flash Sale coupon that is applicable to New items. Usually at the weekends for some reason. Keep an eye out for Flash Sales and read the 'small print' for if it can be used on New items.