any idea how to remove this from her upper abdomen?

Am working again with a G8F figure I did some time back and not sure what selection body morph change I did before but I see she has this like skin crease on her upper adbomen below her chest (see pic) . I forgot how I did it to begin with but it wasn't intentional, so any idea what simple morph adjust would remove it just so it looks like regular undisturbed skin? I've played around with the body changing morphs but with no luck so far.

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Post edited by Toobis on
What shows up when you select your character and then "Currently Used" in your parameters pane?
K yeh I think its a problem with when I tried to move her belly size and height around yeh ok I think I have figured out how I can correct it. If not I'll message again. Thx for the help.