600 Pages in Content Library - gah...

CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

This is a sequel to this thread from last year - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/373406/500-pages-in-content-library-am-i-the-first-to-hit-this-landmark/p1 At that time there were a few people crazier than me, but after all these sales...  I think I need to take photography or oil painting back up if DAZ doesn't start a Frequent Flyers program...   


daz 600.png
834 x 973 - 498K


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,989

    right, I've got 78, guess I'm still a noob after all laugh

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880

    Do you create scenes and render all that stuff?  How could you possibly keep up with that rate of accumulation?

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    barbult said:

    Do you create scenes and render all that stuff?  How could you possibly keep up with that rate of accumulation?

    1 - I try.  2. - I can't. 

    However, one of the main things I use DAZ for is previsulizations and concept work, so it's often a case of "that looks like it might be useful and it's on sale for a couple of bucks..."  When I started, I tried to do as much as I could from scratch, but then I sat down and worked out how long that took and what each homemade/heavily kitbashed item cost when factored by what an hour of my time is worth, coupled that with the fact that I can write off assets I buy on my taxes but not the ones that I make, and tossed in the added incentive that PAs frequently disappear along with all their products.  Once that calculation is run, it's not quite as bonkers as it seems.  

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800
    edited June 2020

    Now that I've picked my jaw back up off the floor .... um ..... sorry, my brain is having issues comprehending how massive your library must be. 100 pages in a little over six months, wow!!

    My guess is that you have purchased more products than anyone else (we should soon have a better idea). Now my feelings of content inadequacy have skyrocketed to new levels                                                                                                 

    Of course, I just had to look, in December when you made the first thread, my library had 74 pages, now it has 78. I'm still trying to comprehend the sheer volume of stuff you have, but I don't think it's possible. you bought more stuff in a little over 6 months than I've gotten in almost 16 years.

    I have difficulties finding stuff, and I have it categorized into six different "runtimes" (categories) to make it easier. How do you find things, and how long does it take?

    No wonder you don't have many options in the sales, you really do own most everything that could go on sale!!

    1000 x 1000 - 112K
    Post edited by DustRider on
  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,649

    I've already got content fatigue. I do not want and cannot imagine having to slog through 600 pages of stuff!

  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760

    My only question, everytime I see posts like this: Where are you storing all of it? Do you have a dedicated server room in your house or something? Or just a stack of external hard drives on a shelf somewhere?

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited June 2020

    I'm almost up to 5000 installed DIM products that my DAZ Product Library that at DAZ 3D lists as 89 pages. It says I've made 869 orders at DAZ 3D total. They are all almost PC+ and freebies, 75% or more, I'm sure, as I've been hoarding them again with this unexpected PC+ sale going on this month.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited June 2020
    DustRider said:

    I have difficulties finding stuff, and I have it categorized into six different "runtimes" (categories) to make it easier. How do you find things, and how long does it take?

    Unsolicited plug - Taozen's DAZ Product Manager is indispensable, he also has a Renderosity Manager that's very useful, and then there Senosoft's P3DO Pro.  Mainly, though, it's just Custom Categories, as you can copy and paste the same item in there in multiple places, so I'll put things down in multiple categories so I can pull it up by whichever keyword I think might work, and using DIM backwards to locate DAZ files.  One of these days, though, I'm going to have to hire someone to create a custom inventory system, as what I want is the ability to print out a PDF catalog based on asset types and/or file location.

    My only question, everytime I see posts like this: Where are you storing all of it? Do you have a dedicated server room in your house or something? Or just a stack of external hard drives on a shelf somewhere?

    I'm actually still in the long process of transferring everything to a new rig, but it used to all be on a big RAID and a couple of big external drives, but in the new system the stuff I use constantly (HDRs, Genesis1-8 figures, scripts, shaders, etc.) is on an 4 TB SSD, while back-up and products that I use fairly often are on a bunch of 6 and 8TB external hard drives, and the stuff that's mainly for certain types of projects only (like toon stuff) is going on a set of hot-swappable SSDs using a BlackJet in JBOD mode.  It's all still very much a work in progress, though...

    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited June 2020
    Cybersox said:
    barbult said:

    Do you create scenes and render all that stuff?  How could you possibly keep up with that rate of accumulation?

    1 - I try.  2. - I can't. 

    However, one of the main things I use DAZ for is previsulizations and concept work, so it's often a case of "that looks like it might be useful and it's on sale for a couple of bucks..."  When I started, I tried to do as much as I could from scratch, but then I sat down and worked out how long that took and what each homemade/heavily kitbashed item cost when factored by what an hour of my time is worth, coupled that with the fact that I can write off assets I buy on my taxes but not the ones that I make, and tossed in the added incentive that PAs frequently disappear along with all their products.  Once that calculation is run, it's not quite as bonkers as it seems.  

    Yes, that's pretty much the same reasons for why I've purchased so much myself (currently 17.500+ DAZ products).  I just wish I'd waited some years with starting collecting for the older half of my products I'll probably never use anymore.  On the other hand, it's because you and I and others have purchased all those older products that the vendors are still in business and over time have learned to create the high quality products we are seeing today.  So in that sense the expenses have more or less been worth it.  And if you're into realism and/or top quality many of today's products are already so close that they can be used for many years ahead, if not "forever".  It's getting harder and harder to improve things the closer you get to the perfect, once you get there its no longer about improvement but about variation.   

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564
    Taoz said:

    .... because you and I and others have purchased all those older products that the vendors are still in business...  So in that sense the expenses have more or less been worth it. 

    Two very good points Taoz! I never use the older characters either but I do use the older props and architecture, after I convert them to Iray.

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172

    Shopping here since it was Zygote and still have only 131 pages o.O


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I officially started in 2010, but hardly did anything for a couple of years and I only have 99 pages. It is, however, a hobby for me.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    is this thread a cry for help or a boast, I am so confused cheeky

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,890

    is this thread a cry for help or a boast, I am so confused cheeky

    Perhaps you are making the mistake of thinking they are mutually exclusive?

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    I have 197 pages in my Product Library and I can honestly say I am more collector of the " Oh look, new and shiny"  than user " On I can use this for such and such project" I started purchasing in 2005 but would say the majority of my products are for G3 or G8 and alot are from huge bundles that used to be cheap or free during March Madness way back when the sales were incredible for those events. I have definitely curbed my buying in the last year or so to be much  more selective..  If and when there is a G9 I will definitely be much  more careful  in  what I purchase.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    is this thread a cry for help or a boast, I am so confused cheeky

    It's idle chitchat as a joke is all.  laugh After today's BYOB 7 I'm at 5014 products! And I'm thrilled. Just getting near completing your collection will do that. Collectors just love it.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...woohoo just hit 101 pages after the BYOB7. 

    Yeah I know, small potatoes to some here. but never thought I'd hit even hit 100 with my usual frugal purchasing. 

    ...they really need to fix that "page not found" error after returning to the forums from the store or your cart..

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    Im in awe of some of the numbers posted.

    Been here 12 years,  10 as a PA, and just checked, more or less 116 pages. My own products  are included in the count so its actually a page or two less.

    I'd like to think I've put most of them to good use. I try to follow a rule, make a render of what you've bought before you buy something new. Seems to work.



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ....excellent rule.

    For myself it needs to be something that will work with my story projects.  This is part of why I may never have one of those astronomical page counts as I don't do much in the way fantasy (save for fey) or horror work (save for zombie apocalypse) which makes up a major percentage of the content available. Also not into the skimpwear genre either. (I did my one NVIATWAS piece a number of years ago).

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
     I try to follow a rule, make a render of what you've bought before you buy something new. Seems to work.

    I'd need a much better render box for that.  My rule is "try to use it within 30 days in case you want to return it"


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    My rule is if it's a useful product in a potential game or animation and is a DAZ Original that simply is an old product then it's still a good product and at 0.37 - 0.40 each I should hoard as much as them as I can afford while the going is good. I don't have to have a plan or immediate use for any product though, new or old, as it's a hobby and collecting them is part of that. I buy hardly anything for still renders only.

  • PixelPiePixelPie Posts: 331
    edited June 2020
    Cybersox said:
    DustRider said:

    I have difficulties finding stuff, and I have it categorized into six different "runtimes" (categories) to make it easier. How do you find things, and how long does it take?

    Unsolicited plug - Taozen's DAZ Product Manager is indispensable, he also has a Renderosity Manager that's very useful, and then there Senosoft's P3DO Pro.  Mainly, though, it's just Custom Categories, as you can copy and paste the same item in there in multiple places, so I'll put things down in multiple categories so I can pull it up by whichever keyword I think might work, and using DIM backwards to locate DAZ files.  One of these days, though, I'm going to have to hire someone to create a custom inventory system, as what I want is the ability to print out a PDF catalog based on asset types and/or file location.

    My only question, everytime I see posts like this: Where are you storing all of it? Do you have a dedicated server room in your house or something? Or just a stack of external hard drives on a shelf somewhere?

    I'm actually still in the long process of transferring everything to a new rig, but it used to all be on a big RAID and a couple of big external drives, but in the new system the stuff I use constantly (HDRs, Genesis1-8 figures, scripts, shaders, etc.) is on an 4 TB SSD, while back-up and products that I use fairly often are on a bunch of 6 and 8TB external hard drives, and the stuff that's mainly for certain types of projects only (like toon stuff) is going on a set of hot-swappable SSDs using a BlackJet in JBOD mode.  It's all still very much a work in progress, though...

    I am now up to around 113 pages, and purchased  external SSDs. I have run out of space on internal SSDs so I cannot install anything else frown. These are some good ideas for sorting and storage-I wonder if there is a thread here regarding this topic?

    I have actually begun to explore and develop my own custom inventory system using MS Excel - and Access-(which doesn't seem too friendly with cataloguing pictures) and the process has proven time consuming--would still be useful once completed and would only have to add as I purchase items. My plan has been to capture and cross reference more details about the library items then build pivot tables, slicer sorting, and any other excel bells and whistles I could incorporate to view, streamline and easily manipulate the information from my library as well as having a manual download of items, locations, file sizes, etc.-- - I liked the old macintosh database "Bento"-drag and drop pictures and similar to Filemaker Pro (but expensive). I have explored some others like "Airtable"-and open source options from Git hub and sourceforge.

    How can I obtain "Taozen's DAZ Product Manager"? This sounds interesting and would love to check that out. 

    Post edited by PixelPie on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    Rasberri said:
    Cybersox said:
    DustRider said:

    I have difficulties finding stuff, and I have it categorized into six different "runtimes" (categories) to make it easier. How do you find things, and how long does it take?

    Unsolicited plug - Taozen's DAZ Product Manager is indispensable, he also has a Renderosity Manager that's very useful, and then there Senosoft's P3DO Pro.  Mainly, though, it's just Custom Categories, as you can copy and paste the same item in there in multiple places, so I'll put things down in multiple categories so I can pull it up by whichever keyword I think might work, and using DIM backwards to locate DAZ files.  One of these days, though, I'm going to have to hire someone to create a custom inventory system, as what I want is the ability to print out a PDF catalog based on asset types and/or file location.

    My only question, everytime I see posts like this: Where are you storing all of it? Do you have a dedicated server room in your house or something? Or just a stack of external hard drives on a shelf somewhere?

    I'm actually still in the long process of transferring everything to a new rig, but it used to all be on a big RAID and a couple of big external drives, but in the new system the stuff I use constantly (HDRs, Genesis1-8 figures, scripts, shaders, etc.) is on an 4 TB SSD, while back-up and products that I use fairly often are on a bunch of 6 and 8TB external hard drives, and the stuff that's mainly for certain types of projects only (like toon stuff) is going on a set of hot-swappable SSDs using a BlackJet in JBOD mode.  It's all still very much a work in progress, though...

    I am now up to around 113 pages, and purchased  external SSDs. I have run out of space on internal SSDs so I cannot install anything else frown. These are some good ideas for sorting and storage-I wonder if there is a thread here regarding this topic?

    I have actually begun to explore and develop my own custom inventory system using MS Excel - and Access-(which doesn't seem too friendly with cataloguing pictures) and the process has proven time consuming--would still be useful once completed and would only have to add as I purchase items. My plan has been to capture and cross reference more details about the library items then build pivot tables, slicer sorting, and any other excel bells and whistles I could incorporate to view, streamline and easily manipulate the information from my library as well as having a manual download of items, locations, file sizes, etc.-- - I liked the old macintosh database "Bento"-drag and drop pictures and similar to Filemaker Pro (but expensive). I have explored some others like "Airtable"-and open source options from Git hub and sourceforge.

    How can I obtain "Taozen's DAZ Product Manager"? This sounds interesting and would love to check that out. 

    I've told him he needs to make his advertising more prominent, as right now it's a link at the bottom of his forum posts that reads Tools for Content Management , The address is https://taosoft.dk/software/daztools/

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    is this thread a cry for help or a boast, I am so confused cheeky

    It's idle chitchat as a joke is all.  laugh

    Yep to all three, really.  This forum is kinda like AA, beause where the heck else can you talk about this stuff where anyone else will even know what you're talking about? 

  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637

    After getting to 45 pages most of which within the last 2 months, I thought I was over-doing it and was seriously contemplating calling in friends to restrain me cold turkey but now I think I am not too bad after all (I was labelling myself addictively ill). DAZ is for me a hobby and I am learning so much every day from all the generous artists around here, although it can potentially become an expensive hobby. However, what it has afforded me, especially during these strange tumultuous times, is a means to exercise my mind, awaken my spirit and create a beautiful world while the real world is in a state of chaos. I don't think I can tag a monetary value to that. Thank you for this post.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited June 2020


    Cybersox said:
    Rasberri said:
    Cybersox said:
    DustRider said:

    I have difficulties finding stuff, and I have it categorized into six different "runtimes" (categories) to make it easier. How do you find things, and how long does it take?

    Unsolicited plug - Taozen's DAZ Product Manager is indispensable, he also has a Renderosity Manager that's very useful, and then there Senosoft's P3DO Pro.  Mainly, though, it's just Custom Categories, as you can copy and paste the same item in there in multiple places, so I'll put things down in multiple categories so I can pull it up by whichever keyword I think might work, and using DIM backwards to locate DAZ files.  One of these days, though, I'm going to have to hire someone to create a custom inventory system, as what I want is the ability to print out a PDF catalog based on asset types and/or file location.

    My only question, everytime I see posts like this: Where are you storing all of it? Do you have a dedicated server room in your house or something? Or just a stack of external hard drives on a shelf somewhere?

    I'm actually still in the long process of transferring everything to a new rig, but it used to all be on a big RAID and a couple of big external drives, but in the new system the stuff I use constantly (HDRs, Genesis1-8 figures, scripts, shaders, etc.) is on an 4 TB SSD, while back-up and products that I use fairly often are on a bunch of 6 and 8TB external hard drives, and the stuff that's mainly for certain types of projects only (like toon stuff) is going on a set of hot-swappable SSDs using a BlackJet in JBOD mode.  It's all still very much a work in progress, though...

    I am now up to around 113 pages, and purchased  external SSDs. I have run out of space on internal SSDs so I cannot install anything else frown. These are some good ideas for sorting and storage-I wonder if there is a thread here regarding this topic?

    I have actually begun to explore and develop my own custom inventory system using MS Excel - and Access-(which doesn't seem too friendly with cataloguing pictures) and the process has proven time consuming--would still be useful once completed and would only have to add as I purchase items. My plan has been to capture and cross reference more details about the library items then build pivot tables, slicer sorting, and any other excel bells and whistles I could incorporate to view, streamline and easily manipulate the information from my library as well as having a manual download of items, locations, file sizes, etc.-- - I liked the old macintosh database "Bento"-drag and drop pictures and similar to Filemaker Pro (but expensive). I have explored some others like "Airtable"-and open source options from Git hub and sourceforge.

    How can I obtain "Taozen's DAZ Product Manager"? This sounds interesting and would love to check that out. 

    I've told him he needs to make his advertising more prominent, as right now it's a link at the bottom of his forum posts that reads Tools for Content Management , The address is https://taosoft.dk/software/daztools/

    I'm working on it, but there's a lot to do.  Just about to have a beta ready with a new feature: locate any installed product in DS library directly from the program. 


    Post edited by Taoz on
  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373
    Kharma said:

    I have 197 pages in my Product Library and I can honestly say I am more collector of the " Oh look, new and shiny"  than user " On I can use this for such and such project" I started purchasing in 2005 but would say the majority of my products are for G3 or G8 and alot are from huge bundles that used to be cheap or free during March Madness way back when the sales were incredible for those events. I have definitely curbed my buying in the last year or so to be much  more selective..  If and when there is a G9 I will definitely be much  more careful  in  what I purchase.

    I think I am like you.

    Or perhaps I should put it like this: my vivid immagination far outstrips my abilities.

  • PixelPiePixelPie Posts: 331

    @Taoz   this looks awesome, thank you!  

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805

    Wow, I'm a lightweight. The most I've gathered, in 20 years, is 47 pages.

  • SempieSempie Posts: 658
    edited June 2020

    I'm at 75 pages, since May 2002.

    My main interests are contemporary, period, and historical, prefarably at least halfway correct rather than cosplay-historic.

    (I feel lot of the time, the clothing silhouettes are still quite off - schoulder pads for 1940s and 1980s style powerdressing, anyone? Each fashion period emulated its own preferred ideal body shape. With nasty corsets when needed. Little of that in the products for Studio or Poser. The clothing mostly just fits the standard body shapes. Accurate period make up is another thing that is rare to find. My Rococo cast should have powdered faces. Even accurate make up styles from the  20th Century are hard to find, if not impossible to find.)

    My collection is mostly centered around world building for some illustrated stories that I may someday actually make or not. For most themes and historical periods, my collection is still too incomplete.

    Post edited by Sempie on
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