Searching For The Seine River (or a reasonable facsimile)

Can anyone steer me in the right direction towards a river or riverbank setting similar to the Seine in France?

I'm looking specifically for a setting outside any city or town, that could be set in the 13th Century. Please respond soon as possible; it's for a project and it's a bit of a deadline thing. 


  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404

    If the scene is outside of the city, away from the any signs of human habitation (ie buildings, bridges etc), then rivers and river banks in the 13th century looked pretty much as they do today, so you can use any landscape enviroment for your scene.

    The Seine is a very major river, and so will be very wide if you want a scene downstream close to the where is enters the sea. Naturally it narrows as you go upstream, so it really depends on what you want. For a wide river, that will be a problem, as there are very few, maybe none, in the store, although you might be able to use a lake scene and make it like it is a river. 

    One option is this: and its add on packs. The standard rivers generated are pretty small, little more than streams, but you get a lot of flexibilty of the land created, so you should be able to shape the land to create a wide river, or again like a lake, but depending on the final angle, it might look like a river.

    Other products that may help:

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    That's pretty vague.  A reference image would help A LOT.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    You mean like the bridge over the Seine that you can see the Notre Dame Cathedral from? Now that I mention it I don't remember any products at DAZ 3D, Rendo, or Hivewire that even have a river that wide and deep to place a bunch of Paris buildings onto to begin with.

    hmmm, so no to that but the Seine Rive of the 13th Century is still 482 miles long.

    You should look as said already at UltraScenery and a scale the results up about 400% but also look up what trees are common nearer the source end of the Seine because it's not going to be Aspen. 

    Then to look for buildings look at the architectural sets by DAZ 3D PA Favreal.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908

    In the 13th century river levels would have been much more seasonal. The oire is, or was, known as "Europe's last untamed river" and I can remember from holidays in the late seventies/early eighties walking along the alrgely dry bed across mounds of dry stone and mud within which the summer channel was quite narrow and meanderiing - I would think you'd probably want something like that for the Seine too. It would probably also lack much in the way of embankments and revetments compared to a modern river, with fertile flood plains around it. In early srpinf through to early summer, by contrast, the water level would be much higher and the flood plains might well be flooded with trees and banks sticking out of the water.

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