RESOLVED - Can't Delete Anything in DAZ Studio 4.12

This started happening only a couple of days ago. I can delete things in every other program on my computer. In Word, in Thunderbird, in Photoshop, everything. But for some reason my Delete key will not work in DAZ Studio. I have the most current version of DAZ Studio on my computer. I was trying to delete an outfit off of a character yesterday and it wouldn't delete. Today, I can't delete hair off of my character. My Delete key just isn't working in DS. It's only in DS that this is happening. And since it's been happening only for the past couple of days, I'm at a loss to figure out why the Delete key is refuding to work in DAZ Studio.
Is this happening to anyone else?
Post edited by melanie on
On the Scene Tab, the items may have been marked "x" making them unselectable in the Scene. Could still select from the Scene or put the "x" back to a checkmark.
? keyboard may need cleaning ?
Everything has a checkmark. I don't have a problem selecting anything. I just can't make the Delete key work to delete an object. My delete key works perfectly in every other program, just not in DAZ Studio. I really think I'm getting really close to needing a new computer, unfortunately.
Could be, or maybe just a new keyboard - or a new battery in the keyboard? I know over the years D/S seems to 'eat' my mice ;-)
Catherine3678ab, my Delete key works everywhere else except in DAZ Studio. That's what's strange. The other day, my computer froze on me while rendering an image and there was nothing I could do but push the off button to free it up. I tried to set it back to an earlier date, but that didn't help. It seems like it's some quirk in DAZ Studio, since my Delete key works in every other software I have. It works fine in Microsoft Word, Photoshop, my email, everywhere except DAZ Studio. I'm reluctant to uninstall and reinstall. I've had problems in the past doing that, but I wonder if that might be my only choice.
Just for the record, I'm on a laptop, but it's getting old and the monitor is just barely holding together. One of the hinges is cracked and I have tape holding it together. LOL
Window > Workspace > Select Layout
I've noticed that I sometimes have to try three times when I want to delete something I select on the scene tab, but it always works the third time.
I have had the delete key stop working in the past and needed to manually readd it as a keyboard shortcut
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! That did it! I never would have thought of that.