New User - New Project

Hi everyone,
I'm excited to show off my new environment modular product West Saloon. This complete interior scene Western-style wooden saloon. This project include complete day and night scenes and consist of almost realistic 40 parts that include wall,floor,ceiling and props. All prop/asset optimized models therefore cpu/gpu friendly.
All props, floors, ceilings, and walls can be moved or removed from the scene as desired so you can have a scene you want.
The project also includes camera, light and render settings.

3dLab_West Saloon_main.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 1M

3dLab_West Saloon_popup_01.jpg
2000 x 1200 - 3M

3dLab_West Saloon_popup_05.jpg
2000 x 1200 - 2M

3dLab_West Saloon_popup_09.jpg
2000 x 1200 - 1M
Post edited by 3dLab on
Looks amazing! Might want to move this to the PA commercial products forum so more users can see it.
Thank you
I, for one, am glad to see that it's both a complete set and modular.
Clay render