Is there something wrong with the forums right now?

in The Commons
I am unable to upload an image as an attachment to anew discussion in the Nuts and Bolts forum. It displays "Uploading..." and does not complete. The image is a 2.27 MByte 781x762 ,png format image.
Are you browsing the forums from a computer or a mobile device? IIRC there are problems with adding attachments on iOS devices, not sure about android.
and it is also probably to large in Mb
ISTR that the forum is limited to 2Mb
I just uploaded 2.4 MB images, but I did have trouble before with special characters in the filename, like "&"
That was the problem exacly, NorthOf45! there was an ampersand in the file name. Thanks!
Thanks so much for the resolution, I had posted a day or so ago about not able to upload file and I just checked and yes it had " &" in the file name.
The gallery compresses files that are larger than 2 Mb, but you can still upload them. I've attached images over 5 Mb to forum posts.