Making Parts of Object Moveable

I'm trying to modify an existing object and let me say this is for my own use and not for re-sale. The object is the "Ancient Greek Boat" where I want to remove the sail to render a boat at anchor. Unfortunately the sail and all the ropes are one object so if I'm unable to dial out just the sail using the Opacity Strength Dial or use an Opacity Mask. The first image shows the original model with the sail. I was able to export the boat as a .obj and bring it into Blender and delete all the vertices for the sail and ropes around the sail and leave the other ropes that support the main mast. When brought back into Daz I was able to apply all the textures (even though part of the object was removed) [Ref Third Image]. The problem I've encountered is that in the original model the oars and rudder are moveable and have dials to move them up/down, left/right, etc [see Second Image]. The export or import process must have broken the moveability of these parts. I can't move the rudders in the new model, they are fixed. [Ref Third Image]
I'd like to rebuild that capability to make the rudders moveable but have no idea where to even get started. Is it difficult to setup part of an object as moveable? Are there any tutorials or guides that are available to help me through the process?
Appreciate any help/guidance you can provide.

You can do the first task easily inside of DAZ Studio, no need to use Blender. Go to Tools->Geometry Editor. Then click on any polygon on the sails, then right click and choose Geometry Selection->Selected Connected.
Now right click again, select Geometry Assignment->Create Surface From Selected.
Enter Sail as the name of the new surface.
You will now find a new surface marked "Sail Cloth" in the surface tab for the boat, and you can set it to invisible very easily.
Without leaving Daz Studio you retain the original rigging and the oars and rudder can be moved.
Edit, here is the final effect on the Greek Boat. Note I did not spend much time getting the oars in the correct place, but they are all rigged as in the original boat, so you can but them wherever you want.
I can help you with rigging the rudder, having just taught myself how to rig in DS.
edit: actually, re-reading your post, you may not need to rig anything if I'm understanding it correctly. It has movement morphs in DS until you export and re-import it? Then just do what Havos said and you're set.
Thanks @Havos. That is WAY easier than exporting to Blender. I feel like a whole new world of opportunities have just been opened with this Geometry Editor. Thank you so much for pointing me onto this.
Actually I spotted you also removed some of the ropes and rigging. Again this can be done with the geometry editor, here is my second attempt:
@Gordig, I would like to take you up on the offer to learn to rig a part of the object. There is a little ring at the front of the boat that I would love to make moveable (rotate up and down). Is there a tutorial or set of instructions you can provide on how to rig that part? I'm guessing I can use the Geometry Editor to select that ring and make it a seperate part of the object, although I'm not sure what option to select under "Geometry Assignment". Is it a Rigid Follow Node?
I figured rigging out through brute force, so I can’t point you to any tutorials, but I could write up some instructions, or make a short video. The first step, though, would be to make that ring a separate surface.
Rigging is a good deal more complicated than adding surfaces. I have only done it a couple of times, but I followed this tutorial to help:
An easier option is to use the geometry editor to isolate the piece you want to rig. Then hide all the non-selected parts, and you will be left with just that one piece. Export this as obj, then re-import it, and now you have a seperate object that you can position as you wish. Not as cool as rigging, but nowhere near as difficult.
@Havos, when isolating the part using the geometry editor do I use the Geometry Assignment->Create Surface from Selected or one of the other options?
It is probably best to do that since you will need to hide that surface when you import the part as a separate object. However to isolate the part before exporting then select the faces you need and then click on Geometry Visibility->Hide Unselected Polygon(s). Then do the export, but make sure everything else is hidden in the scene before doing that.
It's not THAT much more complicated, if you're rigging static props. I can take an object to a rigged prop in a few minutes.
This is pretty cool... thanks guys (saving for later!)