The Art of Denoise

SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
edited June 2020 in The Commons

So, some people don't use canvasses, and some that do, like me until recently, don't use the denoiser.  So anyway, I'd noticed this effect the other day, but it was a quickie without alpha channels, ANYWAY, today I did a scene and this was one of my canvasses, and I thought it was cool, so here it is.

This is what I end up with when rendering a canvas with an alpha channel.  Normally, without denoising,you get an EXR with the selection "overexposed" and the background black, and then a black and white image to rasterize into a mask.

With denoising, however, you get this bit of post-impressionism along with your "overexposed" image.  You still end up with the same mask, and the image is the same (except denoised ofc).

Cool, huh?

Oh, and this is the one from the other day

Museum Busking-Carley1-Beauty.png
1200 x 675 - 616K
Museum Busking-Carley1-Beauty Before.jpg
1200 x 675 - 834K
800 x 533 - 216K
Post edited by Sevrin on
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