Print in 3d without a 3d printer: free tutorial, and other freebies…

OK it’s not technically “printing” smiley But my first freebie for ages is now available. A tutorial in comic book form. Star Wars fans should check the date on the comic for a little homage : )

A comic which shows how to turn (nearly) any 3D mesh into an actual tangible real world model.

It was originally created for an Outsider Art workshop last year. Outsider Art is where artists, for reasons of health, finances, etc struggle to access the mainstream art world.  Something that art charities such as Outside In and many art galleries are attempting to re-dress with shows, events and (obviously recently) online.

Or here a workshop run by the world famous Pallant House Gallery’s amazing community programme and held at the 912 year old Chichester Cathedral.

For those that like real world modelling, I’m also working on another tutorial, how to make 3d water/mud without a 3d Printer. Plus there’s an update on the community workshop I’m slowly building up and yes that really is a motorbike for a dog wink 

Or for those artists who prefer their material to be computer based, I’ve added 3 classic freebies back to the PD site. A site that’s been redesigned, using a lot of CSS, the store has been removed etc…so enjoy!        

1220 x 856 - 332K
1220 x 856 - 186K


  • mrsparkymrsparky Posts: 248

    Oppps...forgot the link....

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,408

    Link to site?

  • mrsparkymrsparky Posts: 248

    as above or try this

  • HeavyRayHeavyRay Posts: 176

    This post has made my day, hearing that you are "back in 3d and public."  It  was VERY sad when you closed your site, but not before practically GIVING AWAY everything from the store!!!
    Icing on the cake was reading about your heroism (and love for your fellow man, even those that have turned on you) ;  in these days of gloom/doom/pessimism, to hear these stories is fantastic.

    Since you are "across the pond" from me (I'm in the US) I'm unable to meet you and have a beer.  So we will have to share a VIRTUAL brew as I toast you Alan as an amazing human being!!!....


  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,408
    mrsparky said:

    as above or try this

    Our posts crossed in the mail lol ...

    thank you :-)

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,408

    Good start on the new website :-) And welcome back too!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    oh dear, just read the article, stay safe once he is out of jail, mentally ill people do not think logically and hurt the ones they love.

  • mrsparkymrsparky Posts: 248

    Ray - thanks for the virtual beer!...though it wasn't heroic, just one of lifes "oh b*gger" situations that we just have to deal with.
    Seriously there when this started, that was the word I used! 

    The real heroes of the day where an unnamed disabled lady who heard the smoke detector and helped me evacuate the building.
    5-10 minutes later, 16 people could've lost their homes. 

    Vicky (named in the newspaper report) is ex Royal Navy as she has 2 young children (luckily at pre-school).

    Another lady, who's an EU immigrant, who stepped up while local blokes just stood there, watched and filmed it on their phones.

    The fireman, who not only had to firefight, but risked being stabbed or falling over all the booze bottles.
    Then afterwards they let me put some young kids in their fire truck and that was the important thing about the day.
    It was about a community coming together. 

    Plus not lets forget Hannah who got her finger mauled from our dog after he slipped his lead during the chaos.
    Not saying Doggo is tough, but he's got his own motorbike :)

    800 x 401 - 103K
  • mrsparkymrsparky Posts: 248

    Catherine - thanks and enjoy!

    Wendy - thanks. 

    stay safe once he is out of jail

    Fortunately he's been banned from town for 5 years and another woman (unrelated to the fire) also has a restraining order.
    Unfortunately, as the judge in the stabbing trial said he's "as mad as a bag of frogs", so we'll never be truely safe from this guy.
    But we'll deal with that situation when it happens.

    mentally ill people do not think logically and hurt the ones they love.

    Normally I'd 100% agree there, here was slighltly different as it was fed by lonelyness and the worst drug on the planet. Booze.
    Not saying ban it, a few drinks with good friends in a country pub is an ideal afternoon.

    That's the real difference here, friends be them virtual or real world. 

  • mrsparkymrsparky Posts: 248

    BTW - not added to site yet - but some more good news. Won 1st place in a Carers Support Photo Contest! 

    1024 x 681 - 156K
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,408

    Congrats :-)


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    mrsparky said:

    BTW - not added to site yet - but some more good news. Won 1st place in a Carers Support Photo Contest! 

    Well done!


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