Atticus for Gianni 6 (COMMERCIAL)

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Coming soon to a DAZ store near you... :)
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Great looking character!
Oh, hi there Oo
Oh my, it suddenly got hot in here. *fans self* definitely an instant buy from me.
Will that auto-fit to G2F without any trouble?
Thanks!! That's very kind of you. :D
I should have more promos soon....trying to get some bugs worked out in Studio at the moment. :)
Will what autofit? The clothing? It should---it's Luthbel's Genesis clothing fitted to GM2. The character, which is mine---probably not so much... :)
Will what autofit? The clothing? It should---it's Luthbel's Genesis clothing fitted to GM2. The character, which is mine---probably not so much... :)
*naughty smile* I am sure he will autofit just fine to any female *runs away giggling* He looks great :)
Oh! Sorry, had no idea. Thought this was a commercial for a clothing set! :D
*naughty smile* I am sure he will autofit just fine to any female *runs away giggling* He looks great :)
Well...there is that...
Which reminds me. I have some naughty bits to finish. :D
he look great !
Hi Laura so happy to see you back! Wow Atticus looks amazing! So much detail in his arms and face - and as always with your characters such expressive and wonderful eyes - can't wait to see more of him :) -Cathy
Thank you!! :)
Hihihi!! (waves!)
Well, he should be done on my end in the next few days---doing libraries and finishing up mats, now.
How long DAZ takes is another matter all together... I still haven't seen hide nor hair of Adrianna. I finished her almost a year ago.
It took them over 7 months to release That portion is definitely out of my hands.
Yeah, Atticus is fairly detailed all over. I spent two weeks without internet access, so I kind of tweaked on his skin. :D
Wow, hope I dont have to wait that long for this guy :O
Looking good Gypsy! Hopefully this time around goes better for you. :)
Oh, I hope you don't either... I don't think they'll do that, though. He's probably going to do good enough they'll want to release him. Especially with the dragon stuff out right now. He'd look good driving a Dragon. :D
Here's part of the main promo...
Clothing is Fighting Monk by bobbie25 and sarsa.
Wow that last picture is so incredible - I have to keep coming back to look at it again, it is I think the most alive-looking human model I've seen - he looks as if he has frozen in place and may move at any moment - fantastic build, wonderful face, such expressive eyes! I am adding my prayers that Daz doesn't hold onto this one very long before it is in the market :) -Cathy
Please tell me he'll work in Poser too, 'cuz "Me Want!" Of course, I'll probably buy him anyway just for the morph if the materials are DS only. Damn, he looks good!
Awww...Cathy, that's sweet! Thank you!! :D Yeah, I think they're going to want to put him out ASAP. No sense in hiding him.
Byrdie, if I can get the DSON files to work for me, he'll be Poser too. I'm hoping I can figure them out sometime today. :D
He does look really impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing him in the store. And I'm glad you were able to get your Studio installation issues cleared up enough for this to move forward.
One question: will Atticus use Gianni 6 UV or will he be a Base Male or M6 UV? Just curious; it doesn't hugely matter, but I'm curious as to how different vendors are handling things.
Oh, he's Gianni UV. And wasn't that fun to figure out... :/
I kept having seam issues and dead spots until I figured out I needed to export a high res model to make the UV templates in UV Mapper Pro. I'd probably go with G2M Base UV next time. Just because it's more universal. I'll just have to see how it works out. I'm kind of stumbling my way through this. I've been doing characters for a little while now, but this is only the second one I've done for the Genesis era models. I will say, I am highly impressed with what they did with G2M models. It made Atticus almost easy...much easier than the time I had with Adrianna for V6.
I'd rather do male characters than females---I do them better than I do females. I like looking at them better. :D
And some more...
Any word on this beauty? :O
GypsyAngel you are one vendor that I was hoping to see start working with the Gen 2 male figure. ;) I just had to mention that.
Yes, I am starting to work with Gen2. So there's that... It's been...strange. :)
Atticus just passed testing last week, they have him in Art now, so...I think they actually might release him sometime.
I'm converting Toni to G2F, in fact, that's what I'm doing at this moment, besides playing in the forum. :D
I've been making her mats today---and I'll get her uploaded tonight or tomorrow. I also have a release coming with a group, then another G2F I'm working on. And then if I can steel myself to working with the G2M gens again, I'll do another G2M. But at this point, if I never see his gens again, it's gonna be too soon. I got really tired of his "junk" all over my desktop... :/
Here's Toni as G2F...
I'll probably start her a thread here in a bit.
Very, very good news - one of the boldest male characters' creators starts to work with Gen2M! This will be interesting. And probably sweet too.
Hihihi!! (waves!)
Well, he should be done on my end in the next few days---doing libraries and finishing up mats, now.
How long DAZ takes is another matter all together... I still haven't seen hide nor hair of Adrianna. I finished her almost a year ago.
It took them over 7 months to release That portion is definitely out of my hands.
Yeah, Atticus is fairly detailed all over. I spent two weeks without internet access, so I kind of tweaked on his skin. :D
Yes DAZ shame on you for not releasing Adrianna, THAT character, or the promise of her, was the reason I started using G2F in the 1st place..
So please, please DO NOT delay on releasing Atticus and Toni.
p.s.GyspyAngel, Love your work.
Yeah! Genesis 2 character !
I like the way he looks, he'll complete nicely G2M.
Awww...thanks! That's very I just have to live up to it... :)