Daz PA's losing sales over 'view artists together' not being implemented.

Just a heads up for the Daz sales/web team.
When the artist list for a daily sale exceeds say 6 PA's, yeah I'm most likely not going to try to visit every PA's store to see if there's something in there that I might want.
In the past, Ati and the others involved had figured out how to read the sales pages web code so that you could 'view all artists' together via the 'Daz Deals' plug-in page add ons. That functionality has since been blocked on the Daz3D store end. Usually, only the first PA in the 'PA's on sale' list will be displayed. Today, when I clicked on the 'view these artists together' text, it actually pointed me to the Ashan 8 sale page!
There are literally hundreds of pages in the Daz store right now, and yeah I'm not going to browse all of them. Fortunately, I can use the 'sort by % off' at least to try to spot the biggest discounts, but if dozens of PAs are included in a sale at the same % off, yeah we may be talking a 100 or more pages... and I don't have the patience to browse dozens of pages every day hoping to find a good deal on something that I didn't see before but might want.
I do wishlist stuff as I see it if it's interesting to me, but my wishlist is only a bit over 1000 items right now, out of 27,000+ items in the store that I don't own, according to the counter on the main Daz store page (it shows 35,000+ items total right now). So I'm SURE there is a lot of cool stuff in the Daz store that I've never seen/don't remember, but might buy if they were included in a 'view these artists' together list for a given daily sale. As it stands, I do have a life and don't have the time to view click on or search for several dozen artist's stores separately every day.
My point in bringing this up is that I do know that the Daz sales page building team does have their own 'View these artists together' button that they've used in fairly recent sales. This is a request that such a button should 'automatically' be added to a sales page if say more than 6-9 PAs are included as the featured artists in a daily sale. I'd personally prefer this kicked in after 6 artists, although if it showed up for even just 3 artists (I don't think that ever happens), it wouldn't bother me.
so PLEASE!!!! Either find a way for the 'Daz Deals/view artist together' widget to function properly again, or just add a 'view artists together' button to daily sales pages as a matter of course. PA's ARE losing sales from me, 'cuz I just don't have the patience to browse dozens of PA's separately if they are part of a daily sale... and I'm sure I'm not the only one that doesn't have the time of patience to browse the entire store every time a sale happens...
/rant off 'Nuff said!
Will I know its a pain and flustrating to deal with its a pretty easy fix (dont use the link below because this is from yesterdays sale)
In front of the #filter replace whatever is there (highlighted in red) with shop that will display all the vendors included.
Fixed Link
You can usually also cllick one of the artist tiles to open its catalogue, then at top-left click the Artist button under Filters and uncheck the name listed - that shoudl then show all items n the category.
At one point Daz put its own button to view the whole gang together that would work even when DD had a problem. What happened with that?
That's handy...thank you for sharing this tip.
Not today. Today clicking on one artist's store just brings up that store without a list with the other artists unchecked
Sadly, this doesn't work for all vendors. The DD link scrapes the vendors' names from the links on the page, but Daz doesn't bother to use uppercase in any of the names and the filter is case-sensitive. To the filter, "feralfey" is not the same as FeralFey, (for example,) so FeralFey won't be checked in the list of vendors and their products will not be listed. So just changing the name before the "#" in the url to shop only lists the vendors whose name in the list is all lowercase anyway, like "esha".
Just tried that by clicking on Dark Elf's tile. Only 3 names came up, none were checked. Note that there are 54 tiles in today's sale for 'Friends of the Sale', then the alphabetical listings begin, which looks to be well over another hundred PA's included in today's 'Friends of the sale'. This is a extreme example, but in similar examples, we usually get an 'A-G' or whatever letter range is used for the other artists that aren't considered 'tile-worthy'.
And yeah, I've tried clicking on the artist dropdown to see if I could 'uncheck' the selected artist to get the whole list to pop up in other recent sales, but that generally doesn't work. USUALLY, from what I've seen on my end, the only artists listed are the main artists and any artists that they may have collaborated with when jointly creating items that are part of their product list.
You can 'hide PC+' if you have the Daz Deals plugin to help reduce the size of the list, but it's still a very long list.
As I noted, today's sale is probably a very extreme example, but we had a similar sale last week where we had an 'A-G' or whatever the letter range of PAs was, and no way to 'sort' them. I gave up trying to figure out what was and wasn't on sale after the first few vendor tiles, and didn't even bother to scan the vendor list below the tiles.
If you are a vendor that isn't considered 'Tile Worthy', yeah the odds of people checking out your product lineup in a sale like today's sale are much lower...
The Daz Sales/Marketing team's goals should be to make sales more user friendly, I would think, in my opinion. That's where adding the 'View all artists in sale' button on the Daz website end would just make sense.
Not everyone is going to know the 'tricks' to get all of the bargains to show up on their own, and sometimes they don't work anyways. For Today's sale, you might just be better off starting with the main store page, and trying the sort options, but those sort options may lock out things like environments and shaders if you pick say 'Genesis 3 Male, Genesis 3 Female, etc., and the % off/low to high options will still result in well over a hundred pages to sort through. Even for those of us that have say 200 pages in their product libraries already. I feel for the 'newbies' around here, or for those that don't make purchases very often but do still want to discover cool stuff to buy or to add to their wishlist for later as budget allows.
A workaround I currently use is to go to the wishlist page, hide PC+ and sort by % off. That way the items that are in the sale are at the top. Of course, this doesn't work with all sales, but it works beautifully with the current PC+ sale.
The issue with that is that only items that you've wishlisted will show up. As I noted, there are a number of items in the store that I (re)discover that aren't on my wish list. With 35,000+ items in the store currently, odds are that there will be things you missed/aren't on your wishlist that will interest you.
Back when the 'view artists together' link that Daz Deals added was working, I usually discovered new items to wishlist several times a week, even after shopping here for a number of years now. Now that the link is 'locked out', though...
I do already use your '%' off trick with my wishlist BTW. It's good to point out that option for others that may check out this thread, of course!
(In the background, we're debating how we could best resurrect that link.)
While it would take some work, could you perhaps compile a list, to be updated monthly-ish, of all the vendors and set up a table translating the lower case vendor names to their proper form and then substitute the proper form for use in the link?
omg Daz queries for vendor names are case sensitive? That's just... why? That means the filters are doing exact matching via javascript or something without any comparitive case equalization, and not db queries.
Easier (less resources) to just give you (the browser) the result of a simplified query than to execute each query variation filters in database because the size of the item list is relative small(debatable). I don't know if this is by choice of daz, or forced by the store backend or a plugin. It would not be much of a problem(sometimes can be an advantage) if at least we get all proper base queries. Featured artist for each day promo sale should be a predifined server side query, i think at one point it was there but no more.
Now, from what i gather in the few months i have been arround here, this store is way older than it should. I certainly do not comprehend why in 2020 changing promo images of a store item needs to affect said item discounts (This is not speculation, is an example based on something that happend the other day). In general the amount of issues is not normal, the base software (basides aging bad) is simply not suited for how it is used. I read that they are working on making changes, I whish DAZ were more open on what that is doing, last unanounced changes were not particularly good. The store has nothing to do with DS features (i get why they are secretive with this), so having a proper roadmap on this should not affect sales, on the contrary.
I agree with the OP. Lost sales.