Is this product iRay?

WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,056

This looks like it's iRay from the promos but it doesn't say anywhere whether it is. Does anyone have this and know? Thanks.


  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Yes they are Iray

  • There is a tiny clue: reference to Roughness and Metallic maps.

    Textures Include:

    • 156 Texture, Height, Metallic, Normal, Roughness, Transparency (2000 x 2000 to 4096 x 4096)

    Thanks for mentioning this product. I would have missed it otherwise and it's just the sort of thing I like.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    The other thing you can look at is the SKU number, generally the iray products  started showing up around 25000,  and the set in question is sku 53161

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,056

    Thanks everyone! 

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    I just loaded it and yes it's Iray. The readme also mentions "Lights:Iray:Interior" but it is surprising that Iray isn't mentioned on the product page or Iray logos appearing in the promos. Anyway, AntFarm creates really great products, including this one!


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited June 2020

    Yes and it looks great with the new Snow Leopard

    Post edited by Artini on
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