New Rarestone Item: promos look 'wrong'

in The Commons
I was actually just about to put this in my cart, because it's a Rarestone item.
But the first two or three promos don't look right.
... Is it me?
wrong in what way? they are very "artistic", not the "normal" standard promos tho. The second pop up is a composite of the figures from the promos, but that's all I see?
That's probably what I'm seeing. It's early for me as went to bed late.
What makes them look wrong to you? After a second look it almost looks like the girl and animals in the main promo are composited or maybe billboards. Same in the third her lighting doesn't look like it quite matches to me.
Apart from they seem to be postworked I don't see anything unusual.
The third pop up - the girl sitting at the little desk with a cup in her hand - made me look twice, I admit. I thought the scale was off...then I realised she is on a stool, not a dining chair so she's up higher naturally. LOL
I do think the girls look a little odd.
The character in the 1st promo barely throws any shadow onto the sofa and looks a little like she was cropped in.
The lighting of the character on the barstool doesn't quite seem to match the surroundings.
Not that anyone cares about my opinion, but I think the bodies are real people with 3d heads/faces photoshopped on them.
The characters look like they were placed into the scene with postwork, their scale is off, perspective off as well
The shadows/lighting looks off...
It's three images composited. The transitions are blurred.
Have to disagree with that as I'm pretty sure the girl in the long white dress holding the candle is wearing Rarestone's "Nam Terror Set for G8F" dress
If nothing else the 2nf one is a composite of 3 separate images so I'd expect the lighting, etc., to be 'off'
Combination of 3d and Post- work is all I see. Besides...Rarestone sells amazing products. :)
I think the promo pics are using very soft lighting, Other than that they look OK to me.
I honestly see nothing odd about them except this one is 3 vertical images with a blend inbetween
oops edit see that already mentioned but it is why it initially looked odd to me
Y'all have too much time on your hands.
Nice pictures, not going to dissect them. Even Beethoven got sloppy now and then.
Wendy just beat me to it. That's THREE seperate pictures placed side by side with blends between them, so the lighting and camera angles are actually different on each of the thirds. Also, what really makes it look weird it that the candle flame is showing as a solid yellow against a light background. Light doesn't work like that, as her arm and the candle were obviously originally against a dark background.
I went ahead and bought the product, it is Rarestone! I loaded it, added Blaze HD for G8F first in the A pose and then in a sitting pose and did two renders which I am attaching so you can see that the items are in scale. I didn't have to adjust anything for the pose, other than closing things off for the simulation of the sitting pose.
Looks to me as if she is floating above the sofa and her toes are sinking into the floor, so I'm wondering if the sofa is a bit out of scale.
More an issue with the pose than the sofa. It looks properly scaled for the figure, just that the figure needs a bit of adjustment to sit low enough.
They look pretty much all right to me. The only thing that I noticed was that some of them have a slightly hazy look. That can be removed in Photoshop so it brings out the color more, but that's all I noticed.
Well, that girl holding the candle better get a better grip LOL. Seriously, that teeny tiny holder? That's the first thing I noticed, the rest were just composites and make the promos really crowded (waaay crowded) but at least you get to see what's included in the product :)
It could be the character that is not realistically scaled. Lots of G8F characters are close to 6 ft tall, which is unusually tall for a woman.
Well, she is 5'10" the standard for G8Fs. But after I posted the render, I 'saw' the floating action myself. That pose was designed for the kitchen chair and works great, it looked like it worked. I am sick and tired of not being able to see issues until later. My eyesight and glasses are a pain. The new glasses are worse than the old ones. But that failure does highlight an issue. Adjustments are needed if used, unless you have a character about 5'5" or smaller.
Indeed they do, which is why I paused when about to purchase and made this post as opposed to just ignoring and not purchasing ever; it's put me off.
I've got to the stage where I look for something to put me off. It's more likely to be a purchase sometime later.
We're always going to have to make adjustments. The most irritating I find can be the hands when you have to adjust every finger in conjunction with the rest of the arm.
The alternative would be to start making things such as single-character interacting furniture props(i.e. a chair) behave like clothing(in regards to sizing) where they conform/shape to a character's dimensions, but I doubt the extra work would make much sense on the product creation side unless a PA is a glutton for punishment.
You renders are more 'honest' than the promo. Honest is quoted because it's not meant to be insulting but it's clear what there is and it looks good.
Nice looking items too.
They look to be using the new Fog Matte feature of DAZ Studio but they also are composited and look to have the 'Floaties' in the scene like a magazine collage.