Clothing stretching under arms and near crotch

in The Commons
Has anyone ever developed a solution for the issue that occurs with some clothing that manifests in armpit and crotch stretching? There is one particular free content provider whose offerings are generally fantastic, but sleeveless/short sleeved topos and shorts are consistently plagued by unsightly stretching of the fabric mesh. Anybody onto a fix? Seems a shame to have character posing limited in this way.
I haven't seen any. I have this issue all the time where gun combat poses stretch the male crotch/pants in a weird way. Fatigue and camo is very unforgiving when stretched and distorted.
You can try running it through dforce simulations. Probably will take a lot of trial and error.
Yup, I was thinking that something like Mesh Grabber might be useful in an instance like this.
I was going to suggest Dforce as well...
You could also try a smoothing modifier, but it's also hit or miss. Short of taking it into a different program and smoothing it out I honestly don't know what else I'd do, though.
I have this issue alot with clothing, and I always wished there was a way to change the weight mapping so the clothing wouldn't stretch so much, but I don't think there is a away to do that in DAZ.
You can change weight mapping in DS. Select the Joint Editor.
edit: scratch that, you want the node weight map brush.
Found it, but I think it's more complex than just grabbing some mesh and adjusting it.
Weight mapping is certainly an art unto itself.
dForce can sometimes help stretched crotches and pits.
I know they are products, but i'm pretty sure Sickleyield and Zev0 have clothing helpers, smoothers/de-crackifiers etc in their stores. Might want to check them out?
....I use clothing smoother content and it solves a number of issues particularly the "cling wrap" effect around butts, breasts, and crotches that causes texture distortion..
If it's clothing you really like & want to use:
Try this tutorial linked below with the additional contraint of trying to make the re-fitted clothing somewhat bigger & looser that the original fit. And then try to dForce the drape. Whether or not the dForce will be successful is anybody's guess but if it does it will look better and even if it does not, it will still like look more natural compared to the original fits of most DAZ clothing.
You can also turn off auto follow for specific morphs,this will make it less clingy
So far, I've tried both dForce and Fit Control, without success. Armpit area is the biggest offender. I'll have to look into some other clothing helpers. I've tried using a dformer as well, but it's a really dicey process that yields inconsistent results.