Marketplace Search is HORRIBLE

tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
edited June 2020 in The Commons
I was searching for "New York Stores" in the marketplace. I couldn't remember the exact name, so I typed in "New York".


Then I typed in "New York Storefront"

Still Nothing

I even typed in "New York Stores"

Nothing Again!

I went sifting through my wishlist and found it...It's actually called "New York Stores"!!

Someone really needs to fix the search function.

I wish there was a way users could add a search keyword to individual products. So things would be easier to find!
Post edited by tsarist on


  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,855

    It finds it when you enter "New York Stores"

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979

    You must include the quotes, then it shows up.



    596 x 379 - 84K
  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    Taoz said:

    You must include the quotes, then it shows up.



    Yes, but that isn't how the search engine is supposed to work. I wasn't exactly sure of the name.

    It should have popped up with other similar options under ANY of the ways I typed it in.

    Some items come up that way. Some don't. Crazy
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    it is not a search function 

    in spite of having the word search and a magnifying glass icon

    it is a marketting strategy to show you as much product as possible based on your preferences so they can sell you unrelated stuff you might like

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395
    edited June 2020

    to be fair i also have a lot of issues with the "search function in both store/market and forum, both search mechanics are terrible, they don't have proper "filters" to help you look for "more precise stuffs, like for exemple a filter for "poses" for outfits for props for characters, normally when you type one name as wendyluvzcatz told multiple stuffs even stuffs not "related to what you are looking will be listed, like you looking for outfit then you get poses, props, characters, make-ups, even when you try to be more "precise like wanting let's say a medieval stuff, even the "gender" filter seens to not work perfect and you still get some "modern or sci-fi stuff mixed, or when you try to go to use the outfit list, it's still list "stuffs like characters or even props and the forum search is a totally nightmare and be lucky if you even one day find what you want due to how poor is the filter system.


    daz really need to improve they filters and add a filter system for the forum, because really sometimes is not "easy to find what you want" and sometimes even when you "type the precise name of the stuff, you can sometimes get a list with many stuffs but not what you are looking for or it was really "good hidden" among that stuffs".

    many times i feel which the search mechanics in others places like renderosity and renderotica and even others types of markets are much better and "clean than daz giving at last things "based on what you want" not just throwing in the mix "random  stuffs".

    Post edited by Ellessarr on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979

    Looks like you need to use conditional formatting, like (without quotes):

    york and store
    york or store

    where it shows up as number 1.

    It looks though as if new is confusing it, I get strange results if I include it.  Maybe it has a special function like and, or and not.



  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Actually it looks to me that the list of items it shows as you type are actually past search terms by every one that's ever used it to search. It's assuming, incorrectly, that past searchers alwways found what they are looking for.

  • Sensual ArtSensual Art Posts: 645

    Probably because "new" is treated as a keyword which is used for searching new items or items which still have their new tags on. So when you search New York it searches for an York which is new. You have hit upon one of the rare cases which involves a keyword in the search phrase. You can bypass the keyword by including in quotes such as "New York". HTH

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...sometimes I miss the old store and forums which actually had a search routine that worked.

    I never use the Forums search because it's all keyword based with no filters  like date range, forum title, or "phrase match" and thus pulls up posts that often have little to no relevance to what I am looking for.. I've had similar situations with the store search as well and often just went to google using "Daz3D" with whatever else I enter in the search field.

  • Sensual ArtSensual Art Posts: 645

    Google site search supports custom date range. You have to use advanced search for then select any of the date range presets. In the subsequent search result page you would then see a drop down for the selected preset with the option of "Custom range" which lets you select arbitary dates in the from and to fields. For title search use the qualifier "allintitle:" or just use the page title option in the advanced search settings.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    mrinal said:

    Probably because "new" is treated as a keyword which is used for searching new items or items which still have their new tags on. So when you search New York it searches for an York which is new. You have hit upon one of the rare cases which involves a keyword in the search phrase. You can bypass the keyword by including in quotes such as "New York". HTH

    OH! You're right! Because just typing in: york store  - that pulls it up immediately as the first result. 

    I think you're right that the word "new" is probably trying to show only new products only.

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    take heart - it could be as bad as the forum search.


  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    I have this theory that, when people request features or bug fixes for the software or website and they never get done, it has nothing to do with the developers not caring. I think they just have no idea how to do it. So all they can do is add frivolous fringe features or update to the latest version of modules that are maintained by third parties such as the rendering engine. So things can be added but nothing that was there in the first place can be fixed or improved.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    your search in Google search will probably work best

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    mrinal said:

    Probably because "new" is treated as a keyword which is used for searching new items or items which still have their new tags on. So when you search New York it searches for an York which is new. You have hit upon one of the rare cases which involves a keyword in the search phrase. You can bypass the keyword by including in quotes such as "New York". HTH

    I was thinking the same but it sometimes gives some odd hits. New Hair though seems to get a lot of new hairs only so you're probably right.  It also looks like you don't need to use and, just use a space instead.


  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    its terrible

    no excuses

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,514

    it is not a search function 

    in spite of having the word search and a magnifying glass icon

    it is a marketting strategy to show you as much product as possible based on your preferences so they can sell you unrelated stuff you might like

    You might be right. They are located in Sale Lake City, aren't they? wink The problem with the search function has long been known. But I doubt it would be a good sales strategy to make your customers angry. Many internet companies do it that way (especially in advertising) and don't understand that the more the company annoys you, the less you buy...

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited June 2020

    We're spoiled by Google search which reads our minds and finds what we're looking for before we start typing.surprise  Unfortunately, DAZ doesn't have a billion dollar index system.indecision

    Although, it would be helpful if there were a detailed description of DAZ's search parameter scheme, i.e. are the quotes needed, which boolean operations are possible, does it accept wildcards? Does it accept parenthesisation?  To how many levels? Etc.  Also, having the NOT operator would be handy in some cases of too many finds.enlightened

    Being an old school UNIX person, I miss the power of Regular Expressions when searching banks of text.  I was a wizard with RE.  I could spin a spell on the fly, that would curl your hair if you stood too close.wink

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    We're spoiled by Google search which reads our minds and finds what we're looking for before we start typing.surprise  Unfortunately, DAZ doesn't have a billion dollar index system.indecision

    Although, it would be helpful if there were a detailed description of DAZ's search parameter scheme, i.e. are the quotes needed, which boolean operations are possible, does it accept wildcards? Does it accept parenthesisation?  To how many levels? Etc.  Also, having the NOT operator would be handy in some cases of too many finds.enlightened

    Being an old school UNIX person, I miss the power of Regular Expressions when searching banks of text.  I was a wizard with RE.  I could spin a spell on the fly, that would curl your hair if you stood too close.wink

    You use REs I'll use awk .. ;)

    The bit I love is when you are typing a 'search' term it offers possible solutions - ofyen when you pick one of those and .. 'mothing found'!!!!

  • vagansvagans Posts: 422

    "New" shouldn't be a product filter when used as a search term. New items should be a product filter once you have results.

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679
    Google site search is the best way to go, for both the forum and the store. It is easy to use, ATI also made a browser add on script that automatically uses Google when you search the forums.
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...I worked for a small startup company back in the late 80s - mid 90s which pioneered and developed a pretty decent search engine that allowed users to set various search parameters like full expression or single keyword.  We even had the likes of big companies such as Sony and Phillips coming to us fir help. Granted this was for CD ROM products (DOS/early Windows) we produced for medical libraries (collections of journals and yearbooks that were fully cross indexed) but it would have translated nicely to the Net had the company survived (long story).  So such a task is doable on a more lean budget with a small staff.  Actually, as I mentioned, Daz did so before moving to Magento.  It still had its issues from time to time but was better than what we have now.

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,253
    edited July 2020

    That sounds exciting, about the old search engine. Slightly OT: I used to love looking at an old 1930's British journal called The Indexer. It's currently mentioned on the web page of who tell me the journal is still in business. Oboy!

    I also use FreeFind for personal stuff.

    A recent article in the New York Times went on a bit about alternatives to Google's business model, which doesn't exactly turn me on - describes an ex-Google guy with a start-up that is apparently "same old, same old". The item also mentions DuckDuckGo.


    I just noticed something "new"... er, not really. There is no backwards indicator for when something is taken off the store shelves. For example I have the "Old Coffer" by 3doji (sp?) in my collection but it no longer shows up in the store.

    Another one that came up just now in local mode showed a vendor changing his/her name from "Joe Vendor" (say) to "Joe_Vendor" with the underscore character. So in Daz Studio 4.10, old Joe gets himself an extra line in the top level props! Arrrghh. )-:

    Post edited by Roman_K2 on
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