Goth/horror beauty in gift card promo?

in The Commons
Anyone know what character is being used in the banner for the current gift card flash sale?
The character reminds me somewhat of Daisy but doesn't seem to match any of the Daisy promos or add-on characters.
Tressa and Yasmine from DeusExMachina are both new releases and strike me as possible base models if done up *very* differently from their standard looks in their promos.
I'm browsing on my phone and can't get good side-by-side comparisons. Any help identifying the character would be appreciated.
Also interested in those rings - I don't recall coming across them while browsing.
It's from the Gallery:
The artist is Morris (the PA who created Daisy 8's textures). In the description, she says "This is a 1/2D8 and 1/2V8 morph", so 1/2 Daisy 8 and 1/2 Victoria 8.
She credits this as well, so it's probably where the rings come from:
Thank you Divamakeup! ;-)
That "1/2D8 and 1/2V8" part really confused the heck out of me at first. I thought it was some fancy 3d term I'd not encountered before; God knows there's enough of them! Then I realized what it actually stood for /facepalm
And that is a beautiful render @JeniMorris!
This is what 50/50 Daisy/Vicky looks like with her human ears and no make-up. Daisy combines will with a lot of other base characters.
You're welcome. Really beautiful skin textures you created for Daisy 8, by the way!
Combines very well too; nice render.