Svengar for Gianni 6 (COMMERCIAL)

SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715

Just released! :)

Svengar for Gianni 6!

I learned a lot in his creation and I hope that people enjoy him as much as I did creating him! Please find below his two main portrait promos, one rendered in Daz Studio and the other in Luxrender via Reality 2.5.

Please feel free to ask for lighting or rendering advice should you need it! I'm always happy to help!

Thank you!

Edit: Svengar's ACSEL shaders are now available through the ACSEL shader share in the Reality plug-in for Studio. Hopefully they'll be helpful to someone. :)

1000 x 1300 - 1020K
1000 x 1300 - 614K
Post edited by Saiyaness on


  • Design Anvil - Razor42Design Anvil - Razor42 Posts: 1,239
    edited December 1969

    Great looking character, nice work on the details!

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    Get in that cart, you!

    I foresee an epic battle between him and Smay's Boris. Beautiful work!

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    Razor 42 said:
    Great looking character, nice work on the details!

    Thank you, DA! That means a lot to me! :)

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    Get in that cart, you!

    I foresee an epic battle between him and Smay's Boris. Beautiful work!

    YEESS!!! I would love to see that!! There will be blood!! *ahem*

  • nobody1954nobody1954 Posts: 933
    edited December 1969

    I really like the sculpting and the texture on this one.

  • RiggswolfeRiggswolfe Posts: 906
    edited December 1969

    In general he is a very good figure. I wish he had been 'complete' but he is still very good looking and usable for most of my needs.

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    In general he is a very good figure. I wish he had been 'complete' but he is still very good looking and usable for most of my needs.

    I had issues with the mesh when I attempting to paint the genital maps so I ended up scrapping it. I figured most people either don't have the genitalia or don't use it. However, if I get a lot of people miffed about it, I'm happy to give it a go again! :)

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    Saiyaness said:
    In general he is a very good figure. I wish he had been 'complete' but he is still very good looking and usable for most of my needs.

    I had issues with the mesh when I attempting to paint the genital maps so I ended up scrapping it. I figured most people either don't have the genitalia or don't use it. However, if I get a lot of people miffed about it, I'm happy to give it a go again! :)

    Wait, really? No gens? Well, that is disappointing. Normally I don't purchase a male character without them.

  • nobody1954nobody1954 Posts: 933
    edited December 1969

    Saiyaness said:
    In general he is a very good figure. I wish he had been 'complete' but he is still very good looking and usable for most of my needs.

    I had issues with the mesh when I attempting to paint the genital maps so I ended up scrapping it. I figured most people either don't have the genitalia or don't use it. However, if I get a lot of people miffed about it, I'm happy to give it a go again! :)

    Please do. I already rejected another otherwise well done figure because of lack of genitals. I don't know how many use them, but I know a number of people will not buy them without. This is a very well done figure otherwise.

  • Not The FridgeNot The Fridge Posts: 4
    edited December 1969

    This is an amazing character. I bought it.

    When I add it to my empty scene in Daz3D, I get the following error;

    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLEyesWidth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyesHeightR.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNostrilsFleshSize.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyesAlmondOuterL.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseBridgeSlope.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseRidge.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyelidsBottomDefine.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEarsAngleR.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMMouthCurves.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyelidsLowerHeight.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMMouthHeight.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/FBMStocky.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLFaceHeart.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLJawSize.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLEarsAngle.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyesDepthL.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyelidsUpperHeightR.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseTipDepth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseDepth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMJawLineDepth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyelidsBottomInHeight.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLNostrilsWidth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyesAngleL.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLEyelidsUpperHeight.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMLipUpperDepth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyesSizeR.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMJawAngle.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseBridgeSkew.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMLipUpperCurves.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLFaceSquare.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMCheeksDimpleCreaseL.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseBridgeHeight.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMNavelSize.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLBrowWidth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyesHeightOuter.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMLipTopPeak.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMCheeksDimpleCreaseR.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/UV Sets/DAZ 3D/Gianni 6/Gianni 6.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseTwist.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLEyesHeight.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMLipLowerWidth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEarlobesSize.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLChinWidth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMCheeksDefine.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseBridgeDepth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLCheekBonesSize.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyelidsTopInHeight.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMLipLowerDepth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNostrilsHeightL.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEarsSizeL.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyelidsTopOutHeight.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMMouthWidth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMChinDepth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyelidsHeavy.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseFleshSizeR.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseRidgeWidth.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseTipHeight.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Body/PBMStomachSoften.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLCheeksSink.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseBump.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Gianni 6/CTRLGianni.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyesAlmondInnerL.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMJawCurve.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEarsHeightR.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNosePinch.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/CTRLNoseFleshSize.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMNoseHeight.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMLipsThin.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyelidsFoldDown.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Evolution Head/PHMEyesWidthR.dsf

    How can I fix this?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Do you have the G2Male Head and Body Morphs installed?

  • Not The FridgeNot The Fridge Posts: 4
    edited December 1969

    I am new to Daz and don't know what that is.

    If it is sold in the store, where is it? I will buy it immediately.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    I am new to Daz and don't know what that is.

    If it is sold in the store, where is it? I will buy it immediately.

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited June 2014

    I am new to Daz and don't know what that is.

    If it is sold in the store, where is it? I will buy it immediately.

    Hi! This is the bundle for The Genesis 2 Male Head and Body Moprhs. Have you also purchased Gianni 6? :)

    Edit: I didn't realise the link had already been posted. :p

    Post edited by Saiyaness on
  • Not The FridgeNot The Fridge Posts: 4
    edited December 1969

    Okay. I just bought the morps and Gianni 6.

    Thank you guys for being so helpful.

    Most appreciated.


  • RiggswolfeRiggswolfe Posts: 906
    edited December 1969

    Saiyaness said:
    In general he is a very good figure. I wish he had been 'complete' but he is still very good looking and usable for most of my needs.

    I had issues with the mesh when I attempting to paint the genital maps so I ended up scrapping it. I figured most people either don't have the genitalia or don't use it. However, if I get a lot of people miffed about it, I'm happy to give it a go again! :)

    I wasn't miffed. I was disappointed however. It does limit my potential use of the character. He is a great character I just won't be able to use him in all types of artwork is all. :)

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    Saiyaness said:
    In general he is a very good figure. I wish he had been 'complete' but he is still very good looking and usable for most of my needs.

    I had issues with the mesh when I attempting to paint the genital maps so I ended up scrapping it. I figured most people either don't have the genitalia or don't use it. However, if I get a lot of people miffed about it, I'm happy to give it a go again! :)

    Wait, really? No gens? Well, that is disappointing. Normally I don't purchase a male character without them.

    I've almost finished making some genital maps. I'll finish them, do tests, make sure they play nicely and upload them to Daz and hopefully they'll update Svengar with them asap. I'll post it here when they're updated. Thank you for the feedback! I suppose I'm hanging out on the wrong sites for all the naked male art I'm not seeing. :p

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    Saiyaness said:
    In general he is a very good figure. I wish he had been 'complete' but he is still very good looking and usable for most of my needs.

    I had issues with the mesh when I attempting to paint the genital maps so I ended up scrapping it. I figured most people either don't have the genitalia or don't use it. However, if I get a lot of people miffed about it, I'm happy to give it a go again! :)

    I wasn't miffed. I was disappointed however. It does limit my potential use of the character. He is a great character I just won't be able to use him in all types of artwork is all. :)

    I appreciate the feedback! I've been working on them this afternoon and hopefully they'll be finished and uploaded to Daz tonight. I'm not sure how long it will take them to update the product though. I'll post it here when it happens though. :)

  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,501
    edited December 1969

    First, lovely product.... I bought him almost intently. Thank you also for trying again with the genital textures too.. It is one of those things like clothing that buttons from the wrong side or high heels with armor that is vaguely jarring; I think too many us have nightmares of the uncanny valley of Ken dolls.

  • RenpatsuRenpatsu Posts: 828
    edited December 1969

    To be honest ... I was also a bit torn in the beginning, since I was wondering about completeness. Since you already said that you are working on it, that is one decision taken from me then :) It is a really beautiful character as is, a shape and texture with "real character" so to say. Will be very useful for my story lines :)

  • nobody1954nobody1954 Posts: 933
    edited December 1969

    I will be buying him Thursday (payday). Thank you for listening. Sorry for causing you more work.

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    Gens are finished and uploaded. Hopefully it's an easy update for Daz to fix in the coming week. I'll post here when Svengar is updated in your product library. :)

  • Chou-VertChou-Vert Posts: 122
    edited December 1969

    Thank you so much for going the extra mile. Svengar is pretty special, I can see using him in some classical themed scene as an antagonist or a fate-blighted hero. Excellent work.

  • RiggswolfeRiggswolfe Posts: 906
    edited December 1969

    Thank you a lot Saiyaness. I know it is a bit of extra work but I like my models to be 'complete'. I love to see responsive PAs and I already have renders in mind for this amazing looking character. He is so well done!

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    PizmoSF said:
    Thank you so much for going the extra mile. Svengar is pretty special, I can see using him in some classical themed scene as an antagonist or a fate-blighted hero. Excellent work.

    Naww, thank you so much! It's comments like this that make character creation worth it. Thank you! :)

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    Thank you a lot Saiyaness. I know it is a bit of extra work but I like my models to be 'complete'. I love to see responsive PAs and I already have renders in mind for this amazing looking character. He is so well done!

    You're welcome. Daz informed my that it's been updated but it's not reflecting it in the product library so I'll post it here when I know it's official. For anyone interested, if you click on the link to my Deviantart gallery, I've posted an unofficial promo of him with his new gens...

  • RiggswolfeRiggswolfe Posts: 906
    edited December 1969

    Saiyaness said:
    Thank you a lot Saiyaness. I know it is a bit of extra work but I like my models to be 'complete'. I love to see responsive PAs and I already have renders in mind for this amazing looking character. He is so well done!

    You're welcome. Daz informed my that it's been updated but it's not reflecting it in the product library so I'll post it here when I know it's official. For anyone interested, if you click on the link to my Deviantart gallery, I've posted an unofficial promo of him with his new gens...

    I had a roughly 60 meg update for him in Install Manager today. I'm going to bed but I am guessing that that is the change you did. :)

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    just wanted to post a little render with tis guy :)


    2000 x 1125 - 249K
  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    Carola O said:
    just wanted to post a little render with tis guy :)


    Awesome!! Thank you so much for posting a render! He looks amazing in the Wildenlander armour! I can just see his big scowly mouth. :D

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    Hi all! Some of you may already know, but Svengar has been updated with a genital map! So....go nuts! :D

    And thank you all again for the lovely comments on Svengar. :)

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