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Either Cat 8 or Lilith 8 or would be awesome. Well, and maybe some 6-armed martians and other weird aliens like that.
If Daz likes the licensing thing, then I'd really suggest getting in touch with more game publishers and developers, like EA, CD Project Red and Roberts Space Industries. There's some good and well thought out designs there, and they're not too strict about fan-art, but rather see it as free advertisement. A license agreement with Daz would improve the quality of that fan-art, and with that, interest in their games and IPs. (Yes, I'd jump on a good Mass Effect Asari model, as well as on about any ship from Star Citizen).
Anything Daz released would not appeal to some f(r)action of the audience.
Ollie 8 was a brilliant addition; Scar feels like another similar addition, although a big improvement on Michael 8.
it is a bit pricey after spending a lot on the PC+ sale. New month though, so maybe that's why it was released now. I do like the mohawk hair. the character too, but the entire package with discounts is too high up there for me right now. Not much on offer as far as incentives. Even with the 20% off banner, the $6 PC+ coupon, it is $58.03.
I ended up buying AShan 8 pro bundle along with the Bullfrog Bundle and got Ashan 8 pro bundlke for $17 and the frog for 16 or so. that is a deal, plus a free G8 pro bundle. Also bought 3 addons the only reason i bought the bullfrog deal was that the skin textures can be used on regular Genesis 8 guy. I think they look seriously cool usede in that manner.
In the words of Mrs Jean Brodie, Scar 8 is "for those who like that sort of thing, the sort of thing they like"
Daz shouldn't be trying to put out figures that will please everyone, because IMO they'll then risk slidding into generic territory. Scar 8 isn't for me, but he's a great figure for those who want a Conan-type character and his textures show another step forward from Daz.
I mean, this promo is awesome: the accurate differential in skin texture from the thickness of the cheeks to the thinner dewier skin under the eyes, and the plumpness around the labiomarginal sulcus. As I said, not for me, but artistically I think he's great!
Nice looking character, but unfortunately I'm into more Tolkien-fantasy than Conan the Barbarian-fantasy.
Fantasy, easy pass. Sorry i can't resist.
Not that easy actually. But "Fantasy + Crappy offer" = easy pass
Of course. But Daz could make a very tiny effort, use something that is called "imagination" and ask the artist to do different things so from time to time the bundles appeal to those fractions.
Really people, give it a rest already. Just release things that are not a niche (cof "retro" cof) with decent quality items (cof "not like aubrey" cof) for other genres.
Also, this release probably has the worst promotion i have seen. And since people says mostly nicer things of releases before i got here, this is probably the worst of them all. Only $50 of DO and again you are locking the selection and not letting it stack with PA's discounts. So this means that the selection will probably get thinner as week progress. No free bundles, not even big discounts on bundles. And the cherry of this unfunny joke is that the purple banner only works with the Pro bundle, no for starter or the figure, much less also discount the whole thing with the addons (at least it does not require code). Guess the full marketing department is on vacation after last month sale.
Bonus Track: Are those really two hairs? For me it looks like one + addon (and that is being generous). Same artist, one of the hairs actually include the other one as base.
Now, let's move to better things.
Yes, i also have a couple few nice things to say. Imagine, that. Well, actually, is not a few, it's just one.
I like the character, it actually is different. It could definitelly add to the gene pool and a couple items are nice. To bad the offer sucks so so much, it would have been a cool husihuilke. Guess this will have to go to wish list for when it's so cheap i might grab it for some fan art.
He looks like Dain and Christian had a baby ;). Honestly, I have SO many characters now that I'm suffering from character fatigue. I do like the fur coat outfit, so maybe I'll get that ;). But I don't really need another grizzled, musclebound character :) I wish Daz good luck with him tho and I appreciate that they seem to at least be putting some effort into more males.
Frank Frazetta tribute? I'm all in.
"Momma mia, we have a genius on our hands!"
See 9:20+ mark of the Greater Creators video by Comic Book Girl 19.
I picked him and some add-ons up. I like big muscley guys so no brainer. I can't really use he fantasy warrior content, but that seems par for the course with daz men.
Plus, it would take skillz to give him clothing that fits, since he's so big. Not that I wouldn't wish someone would try that.
I did get the purple banner deal, because I owned all the pro bundles, but I am curious.... Was there a pro bundle offer? I didn't see anythign like that. Too bad I bought a gift card yesterday.
Thanks. :)
For anyone interested, this image was made with Scar 8 pretty straight out of the box, and one preset of the DAZ "Click and Render" light set.
Just adjust the camera and that's it.
Actually pretty easy to make and to replicate :)
That Bone Breaker armor is amazing. Gorgeous materials, fantastic design and excellent included options/adjustments. The additional geoshell options for dirt/sweaty are great. And so very rarely done is the ability to show/hide separate hand/feet sections. Well done!
I may not be into Conan, I am into men who look that they can put on Sci-Fi armor and stand up in it, much less fight in it. Scar does. And I like his look. Add the BoneBreaker outfit and the dirt shell, yeah, match made in heaven.
I do wish the painted on brows had had color options. When I removed them, the face turned dark and left a line in the skull from the different materials. I had to reaply skin materials, remove brows again, settings, then increase the Seok Hair length to hide it better. I did switch out the eye materials. Brows are also fibermesh. Body hair from other characters also.
The default skin, on first run resembles Christian 8's default skin.
Scar 8 HD. Looks pretty good. Not a fan of the tweezed brows, but build and skin are fine. It is nice to see a broader squarer faced figure.
Ok, @Serene Night and @memcneil70 your renders might be selling me on Scar -- what a hottie!

How about Pathfinder style goblin, male AND female?
another sale will buy both Scar and the bone breaker armour but I already spent money I really couldn't spare on the PC+ sale, baked beans and cabbage will be gracing my dinner plates for months.
I like Scar but the whole bundle is a bit too similar to Ashan. The Bonebreaker armor is droolworthy though.
needs more scars.
like geralt of rivia scars.
whip marks
I think it's a little strange that both of his hairs are shaved close to the scalp, and he doesn't come with a long, flowy dForce mane.
I'm impressed. Facially, he doesn't seem to resemble anyone else from the G8M Core crew. He has a Central Asian / Slavic face to me (which, as a Cimmerian, he should). The HD is appropriately detailed, as I hoped. Hugren looks useful as a heavy. I'm disappointed that they once again put tweezed brows on an action man and didn't give us fibre brows again, after establishing it as a regularity for Core males.
I like Sixus' Tundra Wanderer (I wish someone had made extra textures for it) and the boots/necklaces from Mada's Cimmerian. I feel cheated on the samey hairs, but I'm glad Propschick has a new workflow (and the helmet pack does atone for the hair shortage, although we were given the helmets and a weapons pack rather than a fourth outfit).
Thanks for the renders, @memcneil70 and @SereneNight, and the render secrets @CakeOne (not to mention all the fabulous UltraHD hdri's).
If Redz' new hair and some better barbarian wear is released as a bundle tomorrow, then I will feel a bit scammed with the Pro Bundle choices.
Whilst this is completely true, the only issue I would have with it is that all the recent pro bundles have been set to appeal to exactly the same f(r)action.
Interesting. I've never read any of the books, but I've always thought of Cimmerians as Teutonic.
That's a character made for video games as was Dain, Aslan and others. You can see the improvement in techniques but not technology since Michael 8 too. I don't need it so ain't buying it but I'm sure plenty of folk will because it's good quality.
Ohhhhh... I love him!
Hugren also looks great and might be my favourite RedzStudio hunk so far. They keep getting better!
Is it a little odd for DAZ to release two ethnically ambiguous, muscle-bound, male fantasy warriors back to back? Perhaps. But then again we got several skinny white ladies in a row many times in the past, so...
Who do you think the below figure is? I guess it could be plain Scar 8, but his head seems more narrow to me. I can't find this image in any of the product pages.