Strange problem with
I am trying to use this product,, but just get an error message when I click on any of the prop items.
I bought and used this product a few years ago but only recently tried to use it again without any success.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling with both DIM and within DAZ Studio itself without luck.
Any suggestions
Works okay for me. Exactly what error are you getting?
I have attached two images.
I can see the issue on the log. For some reason, for that particular product, DAZ is looking on the wrong drive for those files.
In my case, the files are actually on my "H:" drive but DAZ is looking for them on my "I:" drive.
Earlier this year, I did consoliate my products locations into one. That was to my H:.../My DAZ 3D Library/...but, for only this product (as far as I am aware!), it is still trying to find it's files on the "I" drive.
How can I change that?
I thought I had fixed that location issue but there are obviously gaps in my knowledge on it!
The issue is NOT with the product files themselves. It is with some aniblocks associated with them. Did you use them before in some animation?
Do you still have that I drive directory in D|S or on your computer?
Well, yes, the path includes "aniblocks", but that appears to be the one used by Connect, which seems a bit odd. Still, the shortcuts are missing the icons, so something isn't right.
MGMOZ, do you normally use Connect or DIM to install? Best to stick to one method, as the two do not work the same way, and installing with both can be problematic.
DIM can be configured to install to a particular path, and DAZ Studio must also be configured to use the same path for the content. Connect is internal to Studio, but must also be configured to set a path for the content. The Studio paths are set with the Content Directory Manager.
Uninstall the product using both methods. Ensure that the proper installation path is set for your method of choice, and install it once. Any better?
Thank you both, NorthOf45 & Ascania!
I uninstalled that product from both DAZ & DIM then reinstalled on DIM and that solved the issue. DIM installed it on the correct path so all now is well!!
Again, many thanks!!