Messages section not visible, and other stuff

If I go into My Account, there is a Messages section, which I had never used until recently when another member sent a few of us a message for a product we're testing for him.
Until yesterday, I had never clicked on the Messages icon in my account. I had always clicked on the links in the notification emails to get there. Well, yesterday, those links stopped working. And when I go into my account and click the messages icon, there is nothing there, except the headers (see attached image).
It turns out that someone changed the destination anchors on the links.
On Wednesday July 1, the links worked as they are now, in the form of "forums/messages/94156#498471". But now the destination messages have an anchor (the bit after the #), of "/forums/messages/94156#Item_31". So, the email links don't work, and the Messages icon doesn't work. The only way I could get there was to manually edit the link to remove the anchor.
Can someone at DAZ please un-fix this?

Works as usual for me. That's not the forum messages window, though. For forum messages, you need to be logged into the forums, right click the cog wheel and then select the inbox
Ah, ok, didn't know that. Thanks!
But, they still need to fix the links they're sending in emails.
Looks like someone un-fixed it. The email links are working in the old format.