Highlights on canvasses

When I'm merging the images created by splitting a render up using canvasses, I find that there is often a faint white line where the two images merge. Does anyone know how to prevent that from happening? 

I'm using GIMP as the image merging tool btw.


  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    It sounds like you're trying to put a jigsaw puzzle back together, as I've seen suggested to do in one Youtube tutorial, and consider to be an approach that's bound to create problems just like this.

    When I render to canvasses, I separate light sources for the entire scene, including characters, to separate canvasses, and then make canvasses for the characters, and usually separate out hair, clothing and accessories, as well.  The lighting canvasses are my bottom layers, and the character etc canvasses are my top layers.  That way, I never end up with this problem.

    Annotation 2020-07-05 194139.jpg
    252 x 120 - 12K
  • Ok, that's possible and I'm willing to try a different way. However, I'm not sure what you mean exactly.

    What I've been doing is I just select the character and everything they are wearing and make a "beauty" canvas out of that. Then I do that for all the characters and then I render the environment.  What are you doing differently?

    Do you mean that you don't use any environment lighting at all and when you create a canvas you include point lights in the selection? 


  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    I don't understand the question.  There's a layer called "Environment".  That's environment lighting.  If that's all the lighting there is, that's the only lighting layer there is.  I don't use point lights a lot, but when I do, they get a layer.

    Every scene is different.  How many different canvasses and what kind you render depends on what's in the scene and how fiddly you want to get.  The first attachment shows the canvasses I used for this render.  

    When I have more characters, I sometimes simplify the characters and their fixings and will combine like in the second attachment.  That actually didn't work out great, and I wish I'd separated more.

    I render everything only once and at the same time.  I like sparkly things and often make a separate Glossy and Specular canvas to bring out eyes and jewelry.  I don't necessarily use every canvas produced, but it's better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.

    Annotation 2020-07-05 203645.jpg
    258 x 344 - 31K
    Annotation 2020-07-05 204756.jpg
    258 x 375 - 32K
  • I think I see what you are saying. Thanks for replying. Hopefully, this does the trick.


  • SnowSultanSnowSultan Posts: 3,648

    I have the same issue that Bashrag has; objects and figures rendered against a transparent background as canvases have an edge when you try to composite them with other elements, making canvases useless for most precise postwork. Still don't know why this hasn't been fixed after all this time, same with how Material ID canvases render with aliased (jagged) edges - totally useless for accurate masking.

    I'm still using Mask and Multipass Toolbox (available in the store here). You have to remember to change all your surfaces back to 3Delight and the rendering engine back to 3Delight too, but it's the best way to create truly precise selections for postwork.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Are you checking the Alpha box to create a mask?

    But yeah, the Material ID masks are pretty crappy.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    edited July 2020

    So I just wanted to show that using canvasses, with the alpha mask engaged is not "totally useless" for accurate masking and compositing.  Here are the relevant sections of the canvasses I used for the hair and dress in the render above, shown both on their own and against black fill layers.  

    There are no halo effects with either dark or light coloured subjects, and the hair detail is as one would hope.

    Chiffon Slip Dress canvas.jpg
    833 x 1375 - 181K
    Chiffon Slip Dress canvas against Black Fill Layer.jpg
    833 x 1375 - 161K
    Rose Hair Canvas.jpg
    580 x 476 - 104K
    Rose Hair Canvas against Black Fill Layer.jpg
    580 x 476 - 99K
    Post edited by Sevrin on
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