RIP Ennio Morricone - and we lose another great

namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

I bought and listend to the soundtracks for "A Fistfull Of Dollars" and "For A Few Dollars More" long before I saw the movies. And the DVD for "Once Upon A Time In The West" was an inst-buy when I saw he did the score for it. Just an incredible composer!


  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Oh man, what a terrible loss.  Some composers master genres, but Morricone literally created genres of his own... I think his only real rivals in that respect were Max Steiner, Bernard Herrman and Jerry Goldsmith. Maybe Hans Zimmer.  And how many film music composers get covered by artists as diverse as Yo Yo Ma, Hugh Montenegro and Metallica?  (seriously, I'm not a metal fan but Metallica's cover of Ecstacy of Gold from The Good, The Bad &The Ugly is amazing!)  There was nothing like him before and while he inspired so many imitators, there's a huge gaping hole now where he was.  At least I have multiple CDs and DVDs of him conducting his music live in concert with massive orchestras to sold out crowds. 

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845



  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561

    kill bill soundtrack was lit

  • bobster66bobster66 Posts: 24

    Ennio created the soundtrack of my youth, I have more than a half dozen soundtracks from his movies. For me he'll always be the best in his field.

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