Change Rotation Order AFTER Figure Setup

Is there a way to change the rotation order AFTER the figure has been setup?
Built in Blender on the Z axis (floor).
When I did the rotation to set to my model, I was so used to my test rotation that, well now:
Side to Side is now Bend
Twist is now Side to Side
and Bend is now Twist.
Ummmm, help?
Is there a way to fix this without redoing the figure setup or going joint by joint?
Post edited by mirjagirl on
Its at the top of the Tool Settings pane with the Joint Editor active.
So, joint by joint is the only fix for this?
As far as I can see, barring a script - it's also in the Joint Editor right-cick menu, but even with multiple bones selected it affects only the primary selection.
(Sad Face)
Ok. Truly a Never Hurts to Ask situation.
Thank you.