Nibir Auditorium?

in The Commons
So, is this different from the Nibiru Auditorium that I already own here? The pictures look identical at first glance. Am I missing something?
Looks exactly the same to me.
I was just about to post about this.
There's an obvious glitch in the matrix.
and then
Maybe the name-spelling change has it erroneously listed as a new product and it was re-released.
It is the same thing, just a different sku number so now you can just pay more for it! Maybe it's a secret contest and the first five people to point it out win big gift certificates?
The couch on the stage is different and there's an extra letter on the screen to make Nibir --> NibirU. Otherwise they seem weirdly identical.
You're right. And weirdly, the new couch looks much less futuristic than the one that was originally there. Bizarre...
Ah, yes, this is like one of those games where you have to notice that the cowboy is holding an extra balloon in the second picture.
I think the competition is to spot the differences. So far we have:
what if someone buys both?
Oooo, that would be fun. I like spot the difference games.
Then DAZ wins.
What is happening here? Did they submit the product already and forgot they submitted it? The only difference that I can see is the couch. Even the promos are the same.
This has to be a mistake.
Maybe they were trying to update the product instead of re-release?
We responded here about doing an inquiry. It helps to have sales problems in the sale thread.
Sorry, Cris, I posted here and it was then echoed over on the sale thread. I'll make sure to post there next time instead.
The difference ? The price
Version 2.0?
Optimized for Iray.
I hope you're being facetious, they're both Iray.
It should have been an update, so the new version will be added to owners of the original, then the original version will be disabled.
Except that, honestly, the new sofa looks less appropriate to the slick futuristic appearance of the rest of the scene. Given that the primary change is a singe prop, maybe the original was too close to a design from a certain Scandanavian furniture company and that hugging guy from the commercials started haunting the DAZ offices? :) And now I can't remember the name of that company (NOT IKEA), but their Youtube ads are just weird...
That buttoned upholstery design has been around since at least Victorian times.
Yeah, it's a Chesterfield
Oops. Hold on, I must have had the images reversed when I was looking at them. The NEW one is more futuristic looking.
Or maybe it's the one where you watch the kids playing basketball so closely you don't notice the man in the gorilla suit walking across the camera shot...
Optimized for DAZ Studio Iray was on the latest release and not the original. Furthermore there can be a difference between just having Iray material preset and being optimized for Iray.
What would that difference be?
From what I've seen "optimized for Iray" just means there are no 3DL materials.