Help Identifying Older V4 Product [Solved ...but Sad]

The recent V4 sale has put a couple of things on my radar that I don't recall seeing before. I'd love some help identifying a couple of the product I've seen in some of the promos.
Does anyone know what Hair this is?:
It's used in the promos for this product:
Does anyone know what top this is?:
Used in the promos for this product: (That hair product looks a LITTLE BIT like the one I'm looking for above, but the hairline and top look different.)
Does anyone know what headdress this is?:
Used in a promo for this product:
I know some of you have been doing 3D art since the V4 days (some longer), so I'm hoping someone will recognize what products those are. :)
Edit - Solved: Looks like two of the three are no longer available - Oh man, I'm so bummed.
Those 3 products are all RDNA products, so there's a good chance the items used in the promos are also, so you could start by looking here:
Looks like this one to me:
Aery Soul's "Hear no evil" outfit. It's not available for purchase anymore.
no idea on that one.
I think you're right about the hair, thank you. :) It's a real bummer about the outfit - Google found another image of it, and wow, that outfit was super cool:
It's such a shame that it's not available anymore. :(
Thank you for your help. Hopefully someone will recognize the headdress/helmet thing. It's really striking and unique looking.
Yes, it saddens me that they regularly retire great products never to be sold again.
Yes, saddens me too, but also confuses me as its a digital product, so there are no real overheads in leaving it available for purchase. Or am I missing something?
I think it is more of an artistic choice... they have a very definite style and simultaneously try to make their products fit together visually and remain unique. As products and the figures associated with them become more 'vintage', I think they strive to make sure that their products remain state of the art. Nonetheless, they still are artists and have some emotional ties to their products so it is not trivial when they choose to move on. I should point out that every artist retires old models; as a proud owner of Stonemason's Sky traffic, i can vouch for that.
I forgot that I bought Hear No Evil; I will have to try to render it!
That's not a question of overhead or anything like that, at least in Aery Soul's case. They chose to close their shop and start anew with a new name and new products, and have done that several times in the past.
An artist may feel it longer represents their skill level as it has improved since it was produced; artists, just like the rest of us will see an improvement (well I hope I do at least) in what we can accomplish.
Yes I know that Stonemason has retired older models for that exact reason.
The old RDNA site had a bunch of unique looking helmets by Maveris. This one is called 8509_HelmetS2V3. I believe the name means Sci Fi 2 for Victoria 3, though the readme refers to "Victoria 3, Victoria 2, Stephanie and Stephanie Petite characters"
Good memory! Thank you for solving the mystery @pwiecek ! Oh man... I would have loved that helmet! I'm so sad that it's not available anymore. :(
I did some digging (Google did NOT want to cooperate so it was a bit difficult), but I managed to find a few more images of Maveris's helmets. Such unique stuff! What a talented individual!
Cool stuff. I wish they were still available.
I also found this image of the helmet I really like -I had to crop it since it had a nude woman in it. I hope the original artist doesn't mind the crop, I made sure to keep their signature visible.
Very cool!
I will say that Awful/Aeon/Aery Soul's work is so well done that it still looks good against even the latest generation of items. I heard they were thinking of re-releasing some of their old stuff in some way. With the caveats that they are older products and there'll be no support if anything doesn't work with them. I'm hoping they do. :)
Oh that would be great. I hope they do too. :)
And what is more, with new shaders etc the old models can look pretty darned good.
Which of the figures below is a V3 model by Jim Burton with her original clothes and hair?
OK, you probably guessed, she's the one on the left, but with iray shaders etc she doesn't look out of place. If the same was done to the older models above, helments, clothes etc it'd be an incredible resource to mine. Fitting to modern figures is not so easy, but some of the tools built into DS help, like the smoothing modifier. I have found that with some of the simpler V3 clothing models they are so simple that they react quite well to dForce - having no mesh for hems and apparent thickness means that the clothes tend not to self interfere & explode.
Yeah I love using older models and it can be a lot of fun to see their "transformations". One of the things I like to do when I have some spare time is to convert older models to Iray. Sometimes it doesn't work, like occasionally when you subdivide they get like big gaps in the mesh. But more often then not the older products polish up quite nicely for Iray. :)
When I first started doing 3D art about 4 years ago or so I was on a super tight budget - the hubby and I were pinching every penny to save up to buy a house, so I basically had no budget for 3D content at first. I got used to hunting down freebies to be able to create scenes with and found there were a LOT of older V4 freebies (I supposed because she had "reigned" for so long). But I quickly learned that 3DL ready content did not look so great "as is" in Iray. I didn't really have a desire to learn how to render in 3DL (I was just learning 3D rendering so the idea of learning how to render in TWO different render engines was just too overwhelming, so I stuck to just learning Iray). But I found that with a little bit of tinkering and the use of the Iray Shaders that come with Daz Studio, you can convert most older Daz Studio and Poser content to be Iray ready. Once converted just save as a wearable preset or scene subset and one can build up quite a nice library of Iray ready content.
Four years later I still enjoy converting those older models. I find it relaxing and satisfying. I don't have as much time these days to do it, but I make a point to take some time off on the weekends and just do that for a while and it helps me unwind. Or if I've had a stressful day I'll just pop a movie in and listen to it while converting some older 3D models and giving them a "second life". lol Some of that older stuff is pretty unique (like some of the above) and so it's a bit sad when they can no longer be found. Often times all they really need is a little TLC and they can be right back in the game and helping people to make their 3D art even better. :D
That would be great. Where did you get that from?
Talking to them on DeviantArt. I'm hoping they do set something up as there were a few outfits I missed over the years.
If they do this it will be an instant buy for me as there was so much I missed over the years that I would love to have now.
Not me, because of their wishy washy handling of retiring older outfits, I don't really purchase from them much. Just hard for me to support this kind of behavior since it makes no sense to me.
Here are three freebies of Maveris's head gear that were hosted by RNDA. The below links are direct downloads.
Helmet W9V3 by Mav
Ice Queen Hat by Mav
Soldier Hat by Mav
Oh wow! Thank you so much, DollyGirl! That's great that there are still a few of their helmets still available! Thank you!
The HelmetW9V3, with a minor color tweak to the diffuse channel, goes nicely with the Protector Outfit, imo. I did a render of it with that outfit and UltraScenery:
Thank you so much for the links, @DollyGirl !
Hear No Evil had been renamed Soulforged: the Outlander when I got it. I did a test render of it earlier this year to check its fit on G8F (it fit great on G3F thanks to Valzheimer's Wear Them All). I had to do some cheating by parenting rather than fitting one of the pieces iirc, but it holds up pretty well, although I had to replace some of the mangled buttons/studs with some Nurnies Greebles Parts and Pieces.
Your most welcome Diva
Oh, right, it was one of the few older outfits they re-released when they were AlfaseeD at RDNA.
The older name is easier to remember for me
If you're looking for unique headwear that's still available, look for FrankT in Rendo free stuff
The Aery Soul Freebie site is still on Wayback
Awful Soul, Aery Soul, Alfaseed....I think there was another one I'm forgetting. LOL
Well there's at least the current one, Aeon Soul.
Thank you for the recommendation - they look to be quite unique and interesting. I'll definitely be downloading some of those! Thank you! :)