No 3rd birthday party for Victoria?

Soooooooo was I not invited to the party or did Vicky's birthday go by without celebration this year lol?
I don't know from experience, but I understood from chat here in the forums that Vicky's birthday has historically been made a banner/event and that her G8 version was "born" on 15th June 2017. Surely 3 isn't too old for a birthday party!
Post edited by lana_lass on
We are in July, I think there was something in June.
Yeah I know, 12th July, so we're nearly a month off her "birthday" now. I remember there was "All the Vicky's for FREE" in March or April, but no event in June unless I totally spaced and missed it ?
I check the store daily, and I don't remember anything. Poor Vicky.
Nothing special for Vicky but there was a month long PC+ sale in June.
SUPER not complaining about the amazing sales we've had, like the PC sale that you mention Charlie which was a fav for me, but yeah I just thought it was curious Vicky's bday wasnt celebrated this year as I'd picked up from the forums that this was "part of the Daz events calendar" so to speak :)
I know there's been talk of the dwindling prominence of Vicky and Michael with so many G8 characters now, so maybe it's a sign of that... or of a new Vicky 9 coming (don't see this tbh)... or perhaps just sacrificed this year for bigger sales events/banners :)
Maybe DAZ was sued by Michael since they never celebrated his birthday, and so they thought it was better to skip both.
They did offer both the Michael and Victoria 7 Pro Bundles for $1,99 per piece for a day for PC-members, at June 1st...... character Leela's birthday was Saturday (in the story timeline). Not even a 5$ coupon. She's been around here since I started this over a dozen years ago,
@ Sempie, Yeah picked up the M7 Pro Bundle in that sale (already got V7 free on a previous purple banner).
I expect that the two people who didn't already own them took advantage of the offer.
Jack posted at the beginning of the June PC+ sale that one of the reasons for having the sale was because a lot of new people had recently joined the platinium club. As such I suspect a lot of these did not own M7 and V7 pros, as most new users will likely invest in Genesis 8. Therefore I imagine there was a lot more than 2 that did not have those bundles.
Just because new faces in the forums are quite rare, doesn't mean there aren't new buyers.
Well Happy story Birthday to Leela :) (Did you render her a birthday cake?)
Every day is Victoria's birthday here.
One of these would be me. While i did already owned v7, it was only the character i grabbed during MM extension promo.
I guess I'm the other one. I had V7 and M7, but not their bundles.
...actually have an older on on my old notebook with her holding one..
...I rarely purchase Pro bundles these days since a goo portion of the additional content is fantasy oriented, other characters, & such. 1.99$ however was too good to pass up.