Badly Needed Features

Here are some things I can't seem to find out how to do in DAZ.
- Dissolve between one texture and another. i.e. Change from a male Genesis texture to a female one over, say 30 frames.
- Cut and Paste Keyframes!
- Why are there still non-animatable properties? I want to hide an item until frame x, and then show it using the timeline. I want to chage the emission properties of an Iray shader when the character turns the light switch on.
- Automatic collision prevention. I have a cloth skirt and my animation accidentally puts the fingertip through the thigh, causing the cloth to dissapperate.
- Multi-cloth collision objects in mesh smoothing. If I tell the shirt to collide with the figure, then the pants have all kinds of poke-through. If I tell it to collide with the pants, the figure pokes through. There should be a way to tell the shirt to just [] collide with everything.
- Easily create aniblocks for ANY character. Save them. Share them. Make a library of them. Aniblocks are a greaet idea. Pity they only work on like 2 characters.
- Particle emitters. Smoke, fire, water, hornets, a hail of gunfire.
- Single-sided polygons: When I create a stage set, I use polygons only visible from the inside of the set. So I can break the 4th wall with my camera and still see what's going on inside. No more super-wide angle lenses needed with a camera crammed 1/100th of an inch from the wall. Not every set is the Taj Mahal.
- EASILY IMPORT ZIP FILES. You should be able to drag/drop a zip file into your DAZ, and have it instantly added to your library. No more fussing about with folders in folders in folders.
- De-Dup. I have items in my library that show up twice, and no matter which one I try to add to a project, it can't find ANY of its textures. FIX THIS.
- Integrate Daz Connect! Unity did it. You can too.
- Catalog every item in Daz connect as to what figures it will and will not work with, I'm sick of loading in shoes, pants, etc that CANNOT IN A MILLION YEARS be made to fit my figure. If it doesn't work with Genesis 1, then SAY SO, and don't ever offer it as in "Smart" Content if it's not compatible.
- Oh yeah and nice trick where you can't use IRAY without a NVidia card. Except that 100% of the time, my weak card can't handle it, so the CPU does all the rendering. Therefore NVidia cards are completely NOT required for IRay renders. If it's a licensing issue I understand, but then I'd urge you to get a divorce from NVidia and find a better renderer.
If there are ways of doing all this stuff, I'm all ears. But so far I have not seen any way to do these basic functions.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Seems like you are expecting quite alot from the free hobbyist app Daz Studio, LOL. Most of that is standard for high end modeling apps or even blender.
I never use connect or smart content, so I don't have those issues since the content library is set up for each figure/generation and works fine for me when looking for content..
I don't do animations in DS, so hopefully one of the users that does will chime in on the animation issues.
I don't see how. I can only see Add Keyframe and Delete Keyframe. For instance, I made an object that rotates through frame 10, and then scales. Except that since "scale" didn't do anything at frame 10, the scale started from frame 0. I know it's simple to go to 8 and fix one property, but lets say there were 30 or 50 properties involved. I still don't see a way to copy all the properties of a single object in frame x and copy them to another frame.
Voice control also.
Great, so... Daz should just delete the animation timeline - because you don't need it - and since you don't need smart content, let's erase that too. I would argue that if Daz is going to have animation features, they should be - you know - usable.
Already available - you need to select the actual keys on the properties in the Timeline to do this (but bear in mind that the Timeline iss till being worked on)
Some of this is accessible through using scripting to create aninmatable proxy properties- see
DS includes only AniMate Lite - buy the full version.
For this particular use case, Create>New Iray Section Plane and turn Clip Lights on in its properties. More generally, it is possible to use a custom shader created in Shader Mixer to give a surface different properties on front and back.
Use Connect or use DIM to install properly-formatted zips
Could be for many reasons, most nothing to do with a problem in daz Studio
What do you mean? Daz Connect is integrated.
Turn on Filter By Context at bottom-left of the Smart Content pane
What do you mean? It has always been made clear that an nVidia card is required for GPU acceleration, but most featrues are available rendering on CPU.
And voice control?
Or the make art button.
How about some more filters on the shop lol.
I have a lot of items in my wishlist, and would be nice to be able to filter item type. Clothing, figure, prop, etc.
Yeah - I would need to know what events I can hook into, how to access the Object model in the scene, and find/alter the certain properties I am looking for. When it should just be that ANY property can be animated.
Not too sure what the full version offers, but if I can create and re-use aniblocks, let me get the crowbar to pry open my wallet!
I have never seen one of these before. Will read up on it.
Of course. Will look at this.
I see it's kinda integrated through Daz Central.
The filter will tell you what it's made for, not what it's compatible with. Some items (particularly rigged hair and shoes) cannot be made to work with some figures. So for instance, a hair is made for Gen3, and it works for Gen3 and 8 but cannot be made to work with gen1.
When I tried to use IRAY on a non NVidia card PC, it would not allow it. I had to use 3Dlite. Now I have a NVidia GeForce GTX 750Ti, and when I try to restrict the render settings to force it to use my card, I get an all black image in about 1 second. When I tell it to fail over to CPU, it renders, though exceedingly slowly.
You can't control your voice?
True, though you can edit the compatibillities in the metadata - not that I am ignoring how large a task that could be, and there is no "can be converted to" grouping or marker that is step short of full compatibility.
It shouldn't demand an nVidia card to get out of bed - other people have used it without having one, on Mac of course but also on Windows.
Have you checked your drivers are up to date.
It should be loud enough voice control, therefore everyone around me will know I am working with Daz Studio.
Meshsmooth is not the only tool for dealing with pokethrough. One can also use Push modifier in small increments or try the mesh grabber add-on. Wendy's d-force tip may help for the finger-poking issue.
i cringe at the mere thought of anti-collision and Poser crashes...
Render in Blender, I do.
I use a Threadripper and my 980ti assists.
Rendering is resource intensive (now my opinion of Iray is low), but even so - all rendering is resource intensive; much more so than gaming.
We tested this in RayDAnt's thread, I think. It's not even a choice... a single 2080ti is 6 times faster than a 1950X.
@WendyLuvsCatz Hi Wendy, can you explain that one a little? What effect does hiding the bones have? Your solutions are always so creative, I want to make sure I'm not missing the point.
If it's not visibile in simulation, it won't affect the simulation. It's not hiding the bones, just making it not affect the simulation.
thats what I do to. I turn it off a hand or fingure bone off from simulation under display under the parameters tabs for each bone i do not want to be affect in the simulation. at least thats how I do it to stop fingures from poking through deforce clothes
Boy, that's some snazzy UI.
I can't take credit for it.
I copies Wolfs UI The green its makes it easier on the eyes to read the small print with 32 inch monitors
dforce will not collide against hidden parts including figure bones, they can be visible but there is a hide in simulation option on each one
Regarding hairs:
Hairs are the EASIEST items to use for other generations. Seriously! DO NOT autofit a hair when using on another generation. Just load the hair & position it on the figure's head. Then Parent In Place. There's a couple other simple things you can then do to make it better, but those 2 get me 95% + of the way there and the bones, morphs, etc.are still there. I still use hairs from as old as Generation 3. Of course older ones need newer shaders if you do Iray