Whats the best skin for [full-figured characters]?

its an shame that the default G8F skin is made for skinny Victoria secret [figures].
most men prefers real womans with curves.
so whats the best skin for large [breasts] that doesnt look like an moon landscape with craters on it?
i guess you need another type of UV mapping?
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
you probably need less bump
no i need finer details
less or no bumpmap doesnt help
Look for some of the more curvier characters in the store and they will have textures that suit the larger build
Jemma for example is very curvy
thanks i check it out
yes definitly curves here :)
Womanhood is not defined by a body type, and you don't speak for men.
You want potato skins?
Damn, now I do.
those are taters
think he really wants melons but not with the cantaloupe skin
Some of us like smaller Tatas.
Edited the opening post and title for better language - so some of the previous copmments may now fail to make sense. Though I'm not sure how much of the figure the OP wishes to enlarge, so my choise of replacement phrases may be off.
you'd have to be a Doctor Who fan to know get this
Last time I looked, women came in various curvy shapes - not a sharp angle in sight.
Any character that has large breast should have had the texture painted on with that shape applied, which should then eliminate the texture stretching; if merchant resources were used then there can be issues.
That only solves the problem of using that character's textures, though.
Textures stretch IRL, too.
I think that the issue the OP is trying to discuss is that the when the breasts are larger compared to the default mesh number of pixels used to render the breasts are not sufficient.
Think about it this way. A high quality print resolution for an image is 300dpi. How would you feel if you took a photo of a woman with a large bust and everything is 300dpi except for the breasts being rendered at 72dpi? With the deafult UV, a large busted model ends up with a very low resolution blurry looking texture in that area,