Hexagon Bridge is gone. Menu Bar completely different. dzpropertyeditor not loading. (FIXED)

I just loaded up Daz Studio today and discovered my Hexagon Bridge has gone missing (even though in the plugins menu it shows as loaded) and the configuration of the menus in the menu bar is all wrong.
Restore to factory defaults does nothing.
Any idea how to fix this?

1366 x 768 - 132K
Post edited by ghastlycomic on
Woah! Everything is completely messed up. When I go to the edit menu half the features are missing!
All I can do for a figure is fit it to something and Inverse Kinematics.
Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't work.
This seems to be a very serious bug as Studio is very disabled in its current configuration.
Go to DAZ Studio Formats>Install folder>Scripts>Utilities and run Update and Merge Menus . Does that help?
looks lime you have a nonadvanced view, try self serve or city limits maybe?
I saved my bespoke set up and can add it in preferences
also maybe reverted to standard enter your pro serial
The only plugin that seems to be borked in the dzpropertyeditor and I cannot reboot it.
Reapply some default or your own layout or style?
I can't find those folders.
I can't find those folders.
In content library, under DS formats, you dont have Scripts folder?
There we go. The workspace settings were borked. Setting it to Hollywood Blvd reset it. Of course I lost all my customization but at least everything is working again. Whew! What a panic! :bug:
Whoa! Same thing happened to me. I was living with it until I found I had no Hexagon Bridge. Thanks for the fix notes.