Video Game character look-alike Question

So my boyfriend go me interested in video games and I recently started playing Tomb Raider. I had avoided this game for the longest because I thought it was just boys who like boobs but its a genuinely good story and Lara is kick ass! My question is, are there any daz figures who look like Lara Croft and has anyone made an outfit like the one in the game? I'd be really interested in buying both.
I'm specifically talking about the 2013 game because I know there are older games.

TR 001.jpg
2560 x 1600 - 972K
Post edited by Chohole on
Wow thanks! Can I use these in Daz studio? And can anyone tell me why I always see Angelina Jolie as Tomb Raider?
because she played tomb raider before vikander. just a guess...
Angelina played Lara Croft in two movie adaptations of Tomb Raider.
Always thought this outfit was a good match for a Lara Croft type character
Vault Rustler is based on that particular Lara Croft outfit, I believe-
Ive been searching as well, but the only based not on the Angelina version is
I hope someone will create a g8f version.
There are several artists on DA who specialise in game models:
Try this artist for (the most recent) Lara for G8F
There is even a dirty texture here
[No nudity on these links]
I think Mousso has the most awesome female characters:
To me, her Kira would look quite good as Lara Croft:
There is also a Genesis 8 head-morph by TritiumCG. I think it is based exactly on the game (Rise of the Tomb Raider) you are referring to.
There's a few freebies out there, as noted above, including a few outfits. This page might be worth a looksee (collection of links):
Do take a minute to note the usage rights for the various resources. Some are 'personal use only/non-commercial'.
Just played with the Shinteo model, since it's free.
Some missing morph messages but no obvious changes. I added some 'bodybuilder definition' and darkened the skin.
Adam Thwaites has a free Tomb Raider themed outfit:
Wow! Thanks all! This is really helpful information. Now can anyone tell me how I should spend my skill points in game. LOL. I'm afraid to spend on the wrong skill. :P
Angelina is probably the most recognizable Lara because of that. Gamers know about the different video game depictions of her, but to the public at large, Lara is Jolie.
You will eventually get most skills. So try to grab the ones you think will benefit your playstyle most. Personally, i suck at combos so most things that require too much timing are usually in the lowest priority. On the other hand the ones that give more resources or makes things easier to spot i find more usefull to grab first.
Haha yeah my boyfriend told me she had been in an eariler movie. I guess it was when I was little so I missed it. Guess I failed that pop culture test. LOL
Thanks. I'd gone an hour without thinking about how old I was.
Also, if you haven't seen the Alicia Vikander Tomb Raider movie yet....don't.
Same here. I played the original Tomb Raider. And even hope for Rhona Mitra to have the role in the films before Angelina.
Is it really that bad? I have it on netflix but i wanted to end rise of the tomb raider before watching it as i read somewere it spoils some stuff.
It's not as bad as a lot of movies. Alicia Vikander is very good in it, and the action and dialogue are good, but the story isn't amazing, and the ending sets up a sequel in a lame-ass way.
Turns out, Mitra can carry an action movie, too. I liked her a lot in Doomsday. Not the best movie in the world, but her performance was great!
On one hand, it would have been cool to see the original model for Lara play the role. She’s also gorgeous, whereas I’ve never found Angelina Jolie very attractive. On the other hand, I don’t know how well she’d actually play the part (although apparently Hylas answered that while I was typing this post). The only thing I’ve ever seen her act in is Hollow Man, and she was good in that for what little they had her do. Jolie was already a big-name action star by that point, while I imagine even many players of the TR games would have said "WHO?" if Rhona had been the star.
It's a passable action movie, but a terrible Tomb Raider movie because Lara has virtually no agency. The movie is just a series of things that happen to her, rather than things she does. Most of her dialogue is grunts of pain, and a major part of the movie deals with her daddy issues. Like Zack Snyder with BvS, the people behind the movie fundamentally misunderstood why someone would want to watch a Tomb Raider movie.
... Now I'm looking at stills from Doomsday and I'm thinking, perhaps Rune 7 is based on her?
LOL sorry.
^Agreed - they also change the premise of the island from the game, trying to go the 'realistic / scientific' route, which makes the ending boring IMO.
Doomsday is underappreciated in its carnage and mayhem. She certainly could deliver an older and worldwise Lara.
So I watched the movie last night and all I can say is I hope the game ends better. The movie was pretty boring. The game is actually really interesting so far!
^Yep (and don't worry - the game is way better - although as an old-timey Tomb Raider player, I found the lack of raiding of tombs for most of the game disappointing. Great game, just too different in style from the old ones)
What? Tomb raider full scientific? damn. That touch of unrealistic/esoteric is part the heart of the franchise.
Guess i will add the movie to the "watch on a boring raining weekend" list.