hi does anyone know where i can find a spring prop for daz studio

lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,621
    edited July 2020

    I know how to make one in Carrara, just toss a spline spiral in

    not sure but I think Hexagon has a spiral too

    yes helix under lines, I don't really know how to model in Hexagon though but it's free

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

    ty so much wendy ill try that 

  • plasma_ringplasma_ring Posts: 1,025
    edited July 2020

    Everyday Morphing Primitives has some springs. There's a tapered morph, too. 

    Post edited by plasma_ring on
  • This could be done in Blender with a Screw modifier and a Simple Deform modifier set to Bend. You could also add a driver to stretch and compress it as needed.

  • lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

    yeah thats what i thought blender  but i couldnt figure it  out   do you have a tutorial by any chance  

  • You can get a spiral spring that isn't conical using just a Screw modifier, and adding a Simple Deform modifier using the Taper option will indeed taper the spring as a whole, but it will also distort the profile of the 'wire' itself as well (see attached, grey object - at the right hand end, it has become oval).  You can avoid this as follows.

    1. Add a plane at the center, delete two vertices so you have an edge parallel to the Y axis.
    2. Add a screw modifier to the edge.  Set the Axis to X; set the Screw value to 1; set the Iterations to (say) 6.  Adjust the Steps value as required - probably needs increasing to get a smoother spring.
    3. In Edit mode, select both verts and move them 2 units (say) along the Y axis (positive).  This will open up the center of the spiral.  Now delete the vertex nearest the X axis.  You should have a line of verts (or edges) in a uniform spiral.
    4. In Object mode, add a Simple Deform modifier.  Ensure the Axis is set to X.  Adjust the Factor as desired.  You should have a line of verts in a conical spiral.
    5. In Object mode, convert the object into a curve (Object->Convet to->Curve from Mesh/Text option).  In the Curve properties panel, under Geometry->Bevel, increase the Depth to adjust the thickness of the 'wire' to whatever value suits your purpose.  This should give you a tapered spiral without distortion of the profile of the 'wire' (see attached, red object).

    Getting the bit of compression at each end is another exercise!

    Convert to a mesh e.g. if you are going to export it from Blender.



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  • lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

    ty so much andya  ty ver much for this 

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