Daz got a stunner today - Moriah is great!

doubledeviantdoubledeviant Posts: 1,190
edited July 2020 in The Commons
Moriah looks great, and that bundle is fantastic!

Moriah herself is very sexy, the outfit is attractive but definitely says "I mean business - don't get in my way!", the poses and magic props are exactly the kind of thing I've wanted for urban fantasy, and the hair looks good and can be used without dForce. And $25 for the bundle? Sold!

Mousso, chungdan, Skyewolf, & HM - you conjured my wishes - thank you!

I'm working twelves for the next four days, so probably not downloading until Sunday, but I'd love to see some renders in the meantime if anyone's in the mood to share.
Post edited by doubledeviant on


  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,056

    Yes, like this so much better than the Daz O base characters and bundles! You can't go wrong with a @Mousso character! 

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Moriah is Mousso standard quality with a light touch with the make-up and sorceressy black eyes, the hair that goes left or right is nice and the pose/prop set by Skyewolf looks good too.

    But I wish the outfit could decide what it wants to be.  It's sort of in between office wear and sorceress outfit?  I don't understand the "custom template" thing. blush  Even so, it's got possibilities!  Does anyone know what MRB stands for?

  • WolfwoodWolfwood Posts: 787

    I wish this bundle was released last month instead of the pure fantasy we had. It would had go for less than $15 and that before specific day/week release promo. While named "conjurer" 3 of the 4 items are not tied to any one specific genre. Now it will have to go to my wish list waiting for a bigger sale.

    Special metion to the outfit. Not only because it looks good, but all those textures and options included without any addons and not making it overly priced yes

  • MedaniusMedanius Posts: 12

    You can't go wrong with a @Mousso character! 

    I totally agree with you!

  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,182
    What's that eyepiece not in the bundle
  • daveso said:
    What's that eyepiece not in the bundle

    It's from this outfit, also by HM


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845
    daveso said:
    What's that eyepiece not in the bundle

    If you mean the one in the promos for the hair, it's part of this outfit (by the same PA): https://www.daz3d.com/night-spy-outfit-for-genesis-8-female-s

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172

    I agree she is beautiful. But I have a lot of Mousso characters and they start to look "samey" after awhile and this one is no exception. I just don't need anymore :( I don't have much use for the outfit either, but I might pick up the hair at some point :).


  • andolaurinaandolaurina Posts: 673
    Sevrin said:

    But I wish the outfit could decide what it wants to be.  It's sort of in between office wear and sorceress outfit?  I don't understand the "custom template" thing. blush  Even so, it's got possibilities!  Does anyone know what MRB stands for?

    Looks sci-fi

  • lana_lasslana_lass Posts: 520
    edited July 2020
    Sevrin said:

    Moriah is Mousso standard quality with a light touch with the make-up and sorceressy black eyes, the hair that goes left or right is nice and the pose/prop set by Skyewolf looks good too.

    But I wish the outfit could decide what it wants to be.  It's sort of in between office wear and sorceress outfit?  I don't understand the "custom template" thing. blush  Even so, it's got possibilities!  Does anyone know what MRB stands for?

    Well, she's a conjourer not an alchemist. If you can't transmute that lead into gold you gotta do the 9 to 5 with the rest of us... 


    AllenArt said:

    I agree she is beautiful. But I have a lot of Mousso characters and they start to look "samey" after awhile and this one is no exception. I just don't need anymore :( I don't have much use for the outfit either, but I might pick up the hair at some point :).


    I actually feel this sometimes too, but actually I think it's down to the fact the same poses, lighting, background and render settings are repeatedly used in a lot of the promos for the different characters. If you look at gallery images, you see how totally different all of the characters actually are. 

    I think it wouldn't hurt to vary the promo image presentation to get away from this "samey" first impression, but at the same time the fact you know from the promos when it's a Mousso character, a Bluejaunte character, iSourceTextures, etc, is part of the charm and marketability I suppose. 

    Post edited by lana_lass on
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    I think the outfit look rather nice, and versatile. Though it depends a little on wether the cloak can be turned off so to say, anyone who has it that is able to try?

  • MedaniusMedanius Posts: 12
    Carola O said:

    I think the outfit look rather nice, and versatile. Though it depends a little on wether the cloak can be turned off so to say, anyone who has it that is able to try?

    You get multiple pieces of clothing, so it is possible to just load the dress or the dress and the coat together.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Not what I meant, I meant if the cloak (that seems to be fastened on the coat) can be removed or have its transperancy turned off :)

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    Love the bundle, and I'm going to get it.  Just curious, does anyone know which glasses are the ones in the second (third if you include the main) promo image for Moriah herself?

    So many of the glasses models don't have the little nose pad pieces...  I probably own that product, given that I think I've bought all of the glasses out there, but I'd love to know which were used, because they look very good in that promo.

    Thanks muchly!

    --  Morgan


  • MedaniusMedanius Posts: 12
    Carola O said:

    Not what I meant, I meant if the cloak (that seems to be fastened on the coat) can be removed or have its transperancy turned off :)

    Oh, got you wrong then. You can remove the cloak by turning its cutout opacity down. However this turns it into sleeveless coat as the cloak replaces the sleeves. I will attach a screenshot of the coat withaout the cloak.

    1380 x 884 - 132K
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715


    Daz has lots then because I instantly recognised it as a Mousso character. :)

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    You can't go wrong with a @Mousso character! 

    I kind of did.


    But that didn't stop me from getting Mikasa. As for Moriah, I think maybe I'd get it if I didn't already have Romina.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    She looks like a lot of the others. Same looking mouth, and waifish face. Nothing wrong with the look, but I wouldn't say stunning. But these things are in the eye of the beholder. Glad you like her. 

  • lana_lass said:

    Well, she's a conjourer not an alchemist. If you can't transmute that lead into gold you gotta do the 9 to 5 with the rest of us...

    @lana_lass Yeah, I've long wondered if the reason no one succeeded in that is because they all gave themselves lead poisoning before discovering the Chemical Wedding. Silicon to Gold probably would have worked out...

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    another Mousso clone i would say

    they are all good

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    @Medanius Thank you! I suspected it would turn the coat sleeveless, but that's alright :) Thanks again!

  • robertswwwrobertswww Posts: 793
    Sevrin said:

    Moriah is Mousso standard quality with a light touch with the make-up and sorceressy black eyes, the hair that goes left or right is nice and the pose/prop set by Skyewolf looks good too.

    But I wish the outfit could decide what it wants to be.  It's sort of in between office wear and sorceress outfit?  I don't understand the "custom template" thing. blush  Even so, it's got possibilities!  Does anyone know what MRB stands for?


    MRB... probably only the PA knows, but we can have fun guessing...

    Moriah RockZ Bundle
    Moriah Royal Battle-garb
    Modern Regal Babe
    Mystic Ritual Boyla
    My Rebel Belongings
    My Ridiculous Brand
    My Royal Blood
    Morph Refined Bottom (idea taken from the product description)


  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited July 2020
    Sevrin said:

    Moriah is Mousso standard quality with a light touch with the make-up and sorceressy black eyes, the hair that goes left or right is nice and the pose/prop set by Skyewolf looks good too.

    But I wish the outfit could decide what it wants to be.  It's sort of in between office wear and sorceress outfit?  I don't understand the "custom template" thing. blush  Even so, it's got possibilities!  Does anyone know what MRB stands for?


    MRB... probably only the PA knows, but we can have fun guessing...

    Moriah RockZ Bundle
    Moriah Royal Battle-garb
    Modern Regal Babe
    Mystic Ritual Boyla
    My Rebel Belongings
    My Ridiculous Brand
    My Royal Blood
    Morph Refined Bottom (idea taken from the product description)


    You left out "My Refined Booty" and "My Royal Behind."  That said, it probably stands for "that outfit for the Moriah Retail Bundle" as I'm sure PAs get tired of coming up with new names for products on occassion.      

    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • robertswwwrobertswww Posts: 793
    Cybersox said:
    Sevrin said:

    Moriah is Mousso standard quality with a light touch with the make-up and sorceressy black eyes, the hair that goes left or right is nice and the pose/prop set by Skyewolf looks good too.

    But I wish the outfit could decide what it wants to be.  It's sort of in between office wear and sorceress outfit?  I don't understand the "custom template" thing. blush  Even so, it's got possibilities!  Does anyone know what MRB stands for?


    MRB... probably only the PA knows, but we can have fun guessing...

    Moriah RockZ Bundle
    Moriah Royal Battle-garb
    Modern Regal Babe
    Mystic Ritual Boyla
    My Rebel Belongings
    My Ridiculous Brand
    My Royal Blood
    Morph Refined Bottom (idea taken from the product description)


    You left out "My Refined Booty" and "My Royal Behind."  That said, it probably stands for "that outfit for the Moriah Retail Bundle" as I'm sure PAs get tired of coming up with new names for products on occassion.      

    @Cybersox “Moriah Retail Bundle” it could easily be! The PA, chungdan has come up with a lot of very creative names for their other outfits (ex. Lunatic Taeo, ShuShuara, RockyShoo), so my guess is that MR.B has some special meaning to them (perhaps family initials).

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    edited July 2020

    Whatever the MRB is named after, I'm about ready to give up on it.  Trying to use it with some of the poses it's bundled with is too frustrating.  If you have invent a whole new terminology to describe what your item is, and then don't explain how to use the items, there's something wrong.

    You get a blue coat, and a white coat.  And then another white coat with "Smooth Morph Maker" which tells me nothing.   Which GD item am I supposed to put on the character to simulate with?  The coat alone simulates.  The dress alone simulates.  Put them together and kaplooie.

    Oh!  And applying the H.Material presets does not apply materials.  This is supposed to be black.

    I'm putting in a ticket.

    PS: Don't worry, I'm not showing anything.  She's got on a boyshort geoshell.


    Annotation 2020-07-16 110711.jpg
    289 x 440 - 33K
    MRB Black Preset.jpg
    800 x 800 - 239K
    Post edited by Sevrin on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    edited July 2020

    So I'd wanted to make a render with the whole bundle but ended up ditching the outfit, switching ironically to another one by the same PA, but with different boots.  Even Moriah's annoyed about the whole thing.  I really should have spent more time on her expression, because this look is lame.  The hair behaves pretty well, though!  A lot of dForce hair doesn't move that well, but Rockz does.  I think it's more of an Amazon warrior look than a sorceress look.  I don't do a lot of these effects things, but I think the swirlies look okay?  There are a lot of options, even though most ended up in my Lost & Found and needed sorting out.  I paired smoky things with binary things.  You can zap people with 1s and 0s just like on the internets!

    Post edited by Sevrin on
  • doubledeviantdoubledeviant Posts: 1,190
    Sevrin said:

    Nice. The magic effects look good, especially the part swirling around her feet. She looks like she's focused and really concentrating on something... Probably trying to keep all those zeroes and ones straight. ;)
  • droidy001droidy001 Posts: 282
    Didn't get the bundle, just base character. At $13 plus change very good. Ideal for my pulp fiction cover rip off. I did post this in a new thread, then realised it should really have gone in the show us you iray renders thread. Sorry bout that, I know for next time.
    889 x 1440 - 1M
  • Crushguy05Crushguy05 Posts: 88
    CypherFOX said:


    Love the bundle, and I'm going to get it.  Just curious, does anyone know which glasses are the ones in the second (third if you include the main) promo image for Moriah herself?

    So many of the glasses models don't have the little nose pad pieces...  I probably own that product, given that I think I've bought all of the glasses out there, but I'd love to know which were used, because they look very good in that promo.

    Thanks muchly!

    --  Morgan


    Seconding this request. Those glasses look great on her!

  • The Inner CircleThe Inner Circle Posts: 229
    edited July 2020

    For those finding the MRB outfit does not take it's hierarchical materials, I found the issue. There are 2 icons for each wearable. If you right click on 1 and go to file location you will find it goes to the MRB folder. If you do the same to the second icon of the same item type (boots for example) you will it goes to the Wearable folder. It is the wearable that you need to load. Not the one from the MRB folder. Not sure what the MRB folder items are supposed to be. Yes they load the outfit but the materials do not apply to them - even if you select them under surfaces and apply thre material directly.

    Here is an out of the box render with the materials applied.


    Post edited by The Inner Circle on
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