Can't save renders after Windows update this morning (Still not Working)

So now I have a render that I can't save. All I get is a 'File Save Error' message with 'Could not save file to : "C:/Users/WhateverLocationI/TypeIn"'
Anyone have any ideas what the problem might be? I've tried 'Render Target - Direct to file' and still get the same error.
Post edited by gerterasmus on
Folder has been set to readonly for whatever reason?
I've made new folders, doesn't save to anything.
Thanks @Leana
Seems like my whole PC's folders were changed to read only. Thanks Windows.
I suppose you've already checked that there was enough free space on the drive?
edit: I see it's now resolved, good news :)
Windows tends to do weird things from time to time, especially for folders in places the system uses directly like Users and Programs.
Hmmm, That is pretty disconcerting and could cause a lot of problems for a lot of people. I wonder if if that is happening to everybody with the update? Does anybody else have any experience with todays Windows update, especially the one for windws 10 Pro?
Edited that a bit. Based on reading last few years, Win10 seems to keep giving update surprises. :Eyeroll:
Still on Win7 for all my computers, no update fun here.
If only Linux was more widely used as an alt.
Still no joy. Took the read only off all folders, and still can't save. PhotoShop and everything else have no problem saving, only DAZ.
It could be for what ever reason after your windows update, Daz is no longer a "trusted" application.
Try Windows troubleshooter :
Press Windows + X key.
Plan B would be to set up a new Windows account on your PC and see if the problem persists:
To create a new test user account follow the steps below:
I also did the update and it gives me several errors. What can I do?
Maybe you should try re-installing Daz Studio. When my pc updated to Windows 10 2004, my backup software, Macrium Reflect, got converted to the free version. And Chrome was missing it's icon and wasn't working right. I re-installed those programs and they are both fine now.
Maybe you could try to remove the following Windows Updates KB4565483, KB4565633, KB4565554 (rollback) and restart your computer and check then if the problem persists and also check your Event Viewer after your tried to save a file. Microsoft wrote for e.g. for KB4565483 that a highlight was the following: Updates for storing and managing files. see
how do I go back to the previous version?
if i uninstall daz to reinstall it from the control panel do i also have to uninstall SQL CMS?
Maybe? Remember that the problem didn't originate with Daz, but with Microsoft, and MS obviously have no clue.
ok, but then what can be done?
For what it's worth, I've upgraded my Win10-Pro to an early manual offering of "Feature Update 2004" and also the latest officially offered two fixes in the automatic Quality Update "2020-07" (KB4565503and KB4565627) I've had no problem with DAZ after the updates.
However, the "Feature Update 2004" does introduce a problem for SSD drives causing them to be automatically defragged(aka: "trimmed" on an SSD) more often than necessary, (like literally every time you turn the system on or more) There's a workarounds but it stops all automatic defrag/trim checks for the drive
. Yeah, we need a fix for the update.
Currently recommend not updating to the "Feature Update 2004" until it is offically released as an automatic update and unavoidable.
Note: I actually like the new features introduced with Feature Update 2004, but the SSD bug is annoying.
1. Open Start menu and click on the cog icon to open Settings.
2. In Settings, head into Update & security.
3. Click on the - View Update History - or - View installed update history -
4. On the Windows Update history page, click on - Uninstall updates -
5. On the next screen, you will be presented with a list of recent Windows Updates.
You can sort the list by installation date or you can also search through all of
the installed/active updates using the search box at the top right. e.g. KB4565483
6. Select the update.
7. Click the - Uninstall - button.
Click -Yes- on the confirmation box to uninstall the update.
Reboot your computer to finish the process.
Hope this helps!
If you are using Windows 10 and Windows Defender (meaning not a third party antivirus program like Norton or Avast), there might be some help here:
Disclaimer 1: I updated Windows 10 this morning and have not had any problems so far, but I do not use Windows Defender.
Disclaimer 2: I do not know "Controlled folder access" in Windows Defender is good or bad.
Before anyone does a rollback, or uninstalls anything, I'd reccomend running the program as an administrator. If that doesn't solve it, it may be a permission or ownership issue. Permissions can usually be fixed easily by right clicking a folder, in this case your Daz 3D folder and clicking on Properties, then go to the Security tab, find Administrators and make sure "Full Control" is toggled to Allow, if not simply click edit and set it yourself.
Edit: To avoid confusion, I'm specifically talking about the main Daz 3D folder containing the executables.
I isolated my current Daz machine from the internet about a year and a half ago. It's amazing how few problems I have now that Windows can't phone home anymore!
Of course, I'm still running an older Daz install. I manually install packages into the DIM Download folder, DIM seems to work just fine with that. DIM hasn't wigged out either since I took that system offline. I could theoretically upgrade to the latest Daz version manually, but I don't want to, at least on that machine The 'multiple instances' change thing looks annoying, so I'm happy with what I have for now.
My next machine will have a newer Studio install, I have a more recent version of Daz Studio on an external drive ready for that day, but yeah, Windows updates can be friggin' annoying! I had issues with one of the updates a while back, and while I did end up fixing the issues... well at some point you just get tired of being Microsoft's unwilling Guinea Pig. I may end up isolating the new machine as well once it's up and running.
Don't try to run DS as administrator, it won't work (and could cause problems if it did).
Really? that seems odd to say the least. I still believe it could be a permission issue though. Windows 10 tends to lock up stuff, as others have noted above.
I swear I'm going to stay on Windows 8.1.1 until NOTHING works anymore. LOL
my Win10 wants to update, I am scared
Win 7 for me.
I updated mine a few days ago and everything has been far
Did the windows update a day ago, and studio is fine.
That "Controlled folder access" can be a pain. Maybe the update turned it on by default; it protects, among other things, pretty much any folder under Users. I tried to work with it at first, but it seemed like every action I did was denied, and the notifications were so long that they didn't fit in the space provided, so I couldn't tell which module was being blocked. Finally turned it off and never had any problems. Just don't run any shady programs, or run them in a sandbox if you aren't sure.
I had to send a ticket to support because I uninstalled and reinstalled daz. I am having many problems in the directories then I also uninstalled install manager. The latter does not see the programs already installed and asks me to install them. I do not know what to do. I'm 8 hours behind this. Also where did my plugins go?