Genesis 8 Male MMD Body please

in The Commons
Hi! Matrariel from Sharecg created an awesome MMD morph for Genesis 8 Female:
But he didn't create a morph for Genesis 8 Male, exactly the one I need for a project. I think the male model of MMD is Len, which I attach. Is there someone here who can help me to create this shape for Genesis 8 Male, please? I have the head morph, I only need the body morph.
I'd thank you so much if someone could help me,
Thanks! :D

640 x 360 - 42K
No, I want to use him in Daz Studio. I only need a MMD boy morph for G8M like the one Matrariel created for G8F.
With that unique morph, I can create a lot of boys characters.
Yes, I knew about the Cartoonized for G8M and even Sasuke for G8F, but they aren't so stylized like the model Matrariel created for G8F. I don't know if there is a way to traslate the Len morph to G8M or if someone is able to do it.
I would hardly call the linked figured stylized. The head shape doesn't seem to be changed at all and the body is petite and breast Gone dialed to about 80%.
With (possibly even without!) the morphs suggested you could easily dial the figure you want yourself. As @jestmart suggested, even that model you have linked to would be pretty easy to dial up yourself in Daz Studio anyways!
The morph didn't include the head. The head morph is another post and I have both morphs for head (Female and Male). The only morph I don't have from MMD, is the male one. That's why I was looking for a person who could help me to create it.
If I import the Len model as an obj in Daz Studio, could I save the morph in order to load it into G8M?
No, because morphs have to be derived from the same mesh. If you imported both Len and G8M into a modeling program (Blender, Hexagon, Maya, etc.) and then reshaped G8M so that it looked like Len, then you could export that modified G8M into DS as a morph for G8M.
honestly that shareCG morph doesn't even look like the highly stylised MMD characters, the DAZ ones suggested by others even look closer.
And no, morphs need models with identical topology
but you could use the obj as a visual guide to dial in shaping morphs, I often import objs and do that
I'm afraid I'm not able to do that :(
I'm afraid I'm not able to do that either, I'm still a beginner in Daz :(
Here you go, threw this together in a few minutes. It requires Growing Up and G8M body morphs, and I think that should be it.
Thank you! Just one question if I don't have Growing Up and G8M Body Morphs it won't appear in the Shaping Tab, will it? Because actually I installed but it doesn't appear, is it because I don't have Growing Up and G8M Body Morphs?
Weird, I must have saved it incorrectly, because it doesn't load for me on a fresh G8M. It would still show up even if you're missing those morphs, but honestly, it wouldn't do very much without them.
Then you're having troubles too? Could you resend them, please? Maybe this time it appears in my Shaping Tab
Try this one.
It appeared this time, however he doesn't look as thin as the yours. Do I still need to adjust him with the G8M Body Morphs?
I told you, the morph requires the G8M body morphs and Growing Up to look exactly like the picture I posted. Right now, the morph is only applying whichever morphs you already have installed, which is potentially only one or two. Go to the currently used tab in the parameters pane to see which morphs are currently active.
Ok! I'll see if I can install those morphs in order to he looks like the yours. Thank you so much for your great help! :D
Turns out there's also a morph from Shape Shift for G8M, but you can probably work around that.
It's true, I'll see if I can get it too! ;)
Anyone here knows how to transfer the Sasuke shape from Genesis 8 Female to Genesis 8 Male? Because there isn't the GenX addon for Genesis 8 Figures
The only product I know that can transfer G8F shapes to G8M (or vice versa) is the Gen Next script developed by Singular Blue. It is free and can be downloaded from here:
I don't own Sasuke or Sakura, but I recall they need a geograft for the eye shape, and that will not transfer over to G8M, only the basic shape.
I've installed, but I can't figure out how to transfer the morphs, they don't appear in the window. Could you explain me the procedure, please?
Its a script, you first install the files in the zip into your content library, and then find and run the script. Use Content library and locate the script under Scripts\Architect\GenNext.dsa
Load a G8F and a G8M base figure (ie do not morph them in any way) into your scene, and then run the script.
Choose G8F as the source and G8M as the target, and then select the morphs under the source that you want to transfer.
Is it normal it delays too much? Yesterday I tried to transfer the full morph of Sasuke and it delayed too much. Today I tried with his head only. And although at the begining it was faster, finally it stopped in 27% and it kept in the same percent while time kept moving on, so finally I decided to close it. I attach you a screencap.
It is stops at 27% that normally means it has locked up for some reason. I was not the author of the script, so I can not provide support for it, however I did have the 27% problem before and it was because I had not installled the other files from the zip properly, ie the ones that go in data.
Can you successfully move any other morphs over to G8M, eg V8 or another common female morph? It so, then it is obviously an issue with the Sasuke morph, and that will be difficult to track down.
Nope, it didn't work. I didn't move the 3 files are outside of the Library folder, because I supposed they weren't neccesary because they were outside, but well, I move them too (outside of the content folder) and it didn't work either. And I made sure all the datas files are correctly located. I send you a screencap of the message appears me when I close the script.
Also I tried with another figure and in the creating projection morph, it stops in the 50%.
Do you know another script or another way for transfering the Sasuke morph to G8M?
I am not sure what else to suggest about GenNext, it works fine for me once the data files are in the right place.
Here are a couple of threads that explain various ways to move morphs from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8. A lot of the same techniques can be used to go from G8F to G8M.