4 hour sale not working?

in The Commons
Is the 4 hour sale not working for anyone else? I see normal price. Even if I add it to my cart and go to checkout, it's the same price.
Is it a fake sale?
I'm seeing the same thing.
it needs a new item not PC+ maybe?
is replaced now anyway so I saved 100%
I think I spent four hours trying to figure out what I was doing wrong and missed the 3D Universe Item I wanted.
It says you needed to include a new release in your cart. After I added the Nautical Nonsense item the discount was applied...
That's not it. I was able to get the new flash sale discount with the exact same items in my cart.
Worked for me with a New PC+ item in cart.
It didn't work for everyone... I had three new releases in my cart with the item I wanted to get on sale. Then I removed two of them, thinking they only wanted one new release at a time, that didn't work. I cleared my cart, logged out, logged back in and tried again. None of my items were Platinum Club, they were all new releases plus the item that should have received a discount. I think we've seen over and over again that for some reason sales often don't work for everyone.
...didn't receive the email notice for the 3D Universe sale until around 10:00 (PDT) when I clicked on the link to check the sale page, everything had already reverted to full price again.
That one didn't work, anyway. The current one seems fine.
I've got three items in my basket (with a new release), and they're no longer discounting. But the banner is still up.
The banner may be down to caching, since it was just gone the hour when you posted.
Oh well... I missed out on buying three items on my wishlist... This really isn't my week for buying stuff. :(
....yeah but there were several 3DU products I had on my wishlist I hoped to get. The current one looks to have expired as well as none of the prices are discounted, even after putting an item in the cart.
...ugh, just saw its not a true "flash" sale but a 4 hour "triggered sale" where you have to purchase one or more new releases.
My purchasing of new releases has gone way down as most tend to be G8 or dForce related and I use neither.
It worked for me, I purchased a 3DU bundle.
Nothing worked for me the entire day. Way to go!
Not working for me, either. Well, Daz has lost well over a $100 in sales from me the past few days, as their discounts intermittently work, then don't. Refresh the cart, its there. Refresh it again, and everything is full price. C'mon Daz, can you make your site work consistently just once? Once?