Error when trying to Export User Data

in The Commons
Getting this error in the log:
WARNING: dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(39): DB Select error: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
DB Select error: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
Hopefully somebody will find a solution or your issue will be different from mine. However when I hit this years ago I was unable to find a resolution, and can no longer export user data (DS version 4.8). Instead, I resorted to backing up the database itself outside of DS.
Exit DS, and make sure in task manager that it has completely exited. (needed to flush buffer to files, at least under certain conditions.)
In Windows task manager, verify no DS nor Postgre processes are runing.
Copy "C:\Users\<YourUsernamneHere>\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\cms\ContentCluster" to your backup. (and of course all the other things one would back up in addition to the database that you already do.)
Restoring from Backup, which of course overwrites whatever might have changed:
In Windows task manager, verify no DS nor Postgre processes are runing.
Delete the default folder "C:\Users\<YourUsernamneHere>\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\cms\ContentCluster" (which I believe gets created when DS is first run).
Copy the most recent backed-up PostgreSQL ContentCluster to replace the deleted default folder above. Then of course all the stuff you were doing like scan known directories, etc.
Yeah, I tried replacing the ContentCluster with one from a few days ago, but it had the same problem. I ended up resetting the database, importing my user data from a few days ago, and recategorizing the stuff I installed since then, and now it's working.
And you may yet be lucky backing up the ContentCluster instead of using Export User Data -- I discovered a few days ago that DS4.9+ will display a file that's installed by more than one product separately for each product instead of displaying it once, and since Export User Data doesn't preserve product info, everything is treated as LOCAL_USER when imported. So I have once again fled back to 4.8