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Something from Canada to lighten your day...
Following a lumber heist in Porcupine Plain, Saskatchewan, Mounties traced the stolen wood to a unique source in what they're calling an "extremely Canadian case," according to the Penticton Herald.
Someone had left the would-be fence posts piled on their property, only to discover them missing. RCMP were called on Friday, May 3, and quickly began to investigate the theft.
The missing fence posts were soon spotted in a nearby waterway.
Constable Conrad Rickards from the Porcupine Plain RCMP department said “A beaver—or beavers—helped themselves to the stash of posts and used them to help build a dam.”
Rickards attempted to locate the thief, with no luck. He says no charges will be laid.
"Who could really blame these little bucktooth bandits, considering the price of wood these days?"
Click to see full sized image if you would like
Here's one for the dog lovers..
I wonder how this would look as a 3d
And another version with the guys...
These are adorable...
And last one, this being for cat lovers...
Time I got back to giving you guys a coffee break or brightening up your lunchtime. Now that I have a newer computer, I should be able to pay attention more often to this thread. Now lets see what I have found for you this time.
I knew how she was going to do this, yet even I am nto that (less then 1 min)
I've never met anyone who hasn't done battle with an (9 min long)
For all the Star Wars fans...the first one is 5 1/2 minutes and the second is 3 minutes, so choose what fits your timeframe.
Oh I just found the grand fanally lol
Since we are now at the half way mark of the month for Halloween, I thought I would post some theme's for the season some may find interesting.
To start we have a DIY for shrunken heads, not the real kind, not sure I can post hat here lol
Next we have a spell book by the same crafter.
This is both funny and adorable, less then 2 min so perfect for coffee break

LOL just LOL
In the spirit of Halloween yet again, I bring you a story. This video is 24 minutes long, so best to watch during lunch, instead of a coffee break.

Glad you like them.
Overly Sarcastic Productions tends to have an interesting spin on their stories, love listening to them. Each year since 2015 they have done a Halloween episode and I would like to share them with you. I started a bit late so they will be 3 per post. All but one can be viewed during a coffee break, the one will need a lunch break at least, possibly more depending on the length of time you have.
Ten Minutes
Thirteen and a Half Minutes
Just over Fourteen Minutes
And the second set and I do hope you enjoy them.
27 Minutes
Just Over Thirteen Minues
Almost Seventeen Minutes
Some more Halloween fun, I had no idea Elvira could sing lol
An interesting look at the idea of Werewolf history.
have a great Halloween
being Australian it is not much of a thing here though the shops are trying to push it
It did mean I could buy a bag of little skeletons to lie by my dragon figurine though
LOL Wendy love the duvet reference in the image.
Here is another song by Elvira to make you giggle this Halloween.
It's December and the holiday spirit is well underway. Take a stroll around Tokyo Japan to see the Christmas lights they a have. It's a bit over an hour long and shows different parts of the city, some are really beautiful.
New Year's in Tokyo Japan
Well since the Christmas holidays are over and it's a month before we have another day to celebrate, I thought I would inspire some of you with idea's I have come across.
This TikTok personality doea amazing makeup, you should check them out.
Tomorrow is appreciate a dragon day and Fig Newton day... depending which denomination you are.
You should post some video's about it so we can learn about these.
Less then 5 mintues so perfect for a coffee break lol
Tom Holland definitely won this battle lol ... It's just over 4 minutes long
In the same vent check out The Rock and Jimmy Fallon, which I don't think I can link cause The Rock shoots the finger and I don't know if that's allowed in the forums, however you can search for it yourself on Youtube using this title ... Dwayne Johnson's "Shake It Off" vs Jimmy Fallon's "Jump In The Line" | Lip Sync Battle
this is adorable lol
Adorable and funny...length is good for during coffee break.

Only 20 seconds long yet says so much lol
This girl create models, cosplay and acrylic items, among other things. Most of the video's are on the long side, so probably best to watch during lunch or after work/school.
I picked this particular video to show cause she actually builds a model that is a computer.