Opinions Wanted! Best Background Items

in The Commons
I'm looking for products that could be described as "promo background" items. Something like GeoReflections Prop Set. I've never really paid them any mind, but lately I've decided I want to try to make some more professional, modern, promo-styled model artwork. I like the one I linked, but I feel like I've seen others that I might like even more, or even to mix and match. I really liked the ones by FeSoul, but they've been pulled :(
Suggestions from Rendorosity would be fine, too, but I only shop here and there. Of course, if you know of good freebie ones, I'll get those anywhere!
So please, which ones are the nicest, in your opinion?
If I plan to do a one-off render I find it much easier to use an HDRI or low emissive background plane... a lot less textures and geometry to deal with = faster.
If I'm planning to do a series of images like a comic, I pretty much have to use sets as a variety of camera angles are required for the setting. Not to say that background items built for a static scene can't be used in those.
Such as this seeing you asked.
You might be interested in Fabiana's store, for example her AlterStage backgrounds
And DM's sets, for example those (there are many others in their store):
I have all of DM's White Spring Collections and recommend them. To see what some of them look like in renders, I have attached a few I have done. @Leana has the links.
Those are exactly what I was trying to find! Thank you all very much, my wishlist at Rendo is rather full now ^_^
I'm a fan of vignettes (DM, etc)...but really any set can be a background. My process...clothe and pose figure...light figure...drop in a background, whatever that may be. Even a Stonemason set can make a nice background (delete everything you don't need that is behind the camera). Or just grab a few props here and there and move them around and you have some nice bokeh for your portrait.
Thank you so much, everyone! I bought DMS White Spring Volume 2, as it was literally the exact thing I was thinking of and on a sale, and bookmarked pretty much everything else y'all have mentioned ^_^