can i add another library? [SOLVED]

okay, this is a stupid question a noob could ask, and while i'm not especially skilled, i've been a noob for what, 10 years...? *hides in shame*
aaanyways, here's the preamble: like (probably) everyone here, i have the "new" My DAZ Library" and also the "old" My Library".
and i keep them clearly separate - My DAZ Library only for DIM installed daz bought products, My Library for all the rest.
problem being, "all the rest" is the stuff from other shops, mainly rendo, where the product names are clear (and visible on my account), and generally, at least recently, well ordered, often even in the daz system not runtime/libraries system - but also (maybe even more) a flurry of chaotic freebies often not very well foldered, almost impossible to find, and then come all freebies in "raw" style that i had to import, UV, save as props or under geometry.
short: My Library has become extremely messy, big, it's a pain to search sth, and mostly, when stuff lands there... i forget that i actually purchased or downloaded it. like recently, i just found out i had an amazing long limousine freebie - and i was about to buy one at daz... and then all the hair i could use instead of just going through the smart content panel.. or some amazing clothing i can't even remember.
on top of that, while i was very very broke and unable to buy stuff years ago (well, still broke, just using more of my home budget to buy 3d stuff i don't need, haha), and really HAD to get freebies if i wanted any content, there are a lot of those free things i don't need any more because i meanwhile bought a way better pay version. or all the stuff that never looked very good anyways but costed nothing. or the stuff for old generations like M4 that i don't use much any more. i'll have to delete a lot of stuff.
now, the clear and short question: can i, besides My DAZ Library and My Library, create a new one, like My Freebie Library?
for all the new freebies, but also the old ones once i've sieved what is useful to me and what not.
of course i know that if i change the directory, the stuff in my scenes will miss elements, but i don't think i'll use my old scenes anyways, and i can replace objects/paths if necessary.
the point is, will DS accept a new library?
Not only can you, but you should. Create your content folder with data folder, runtime etc and use the Content Manager in the Preferences in Daz Studio to add it to both the Daz Studio mapping.
hmm.. it's not one my brightest days i guess.. i understand the first half until "etc", i get the bit "use the content manager" too i think, since i added "geometries" as a directory to find imported stuff... but what do you mean by "both the daz studio mapping"? directory mapping (if it's how it's called), not mapping as in UV.. right? and both WHAT? sorry TT. i see the words, it's just the sentence that doesn't make sense for me. language barrier or just bad hair day...
EDIT: so basically, i can add as many "My XYZ Library" as i want? and where should i do this, i guess in "my documents" where the My Library is (and not public documents where DIM installed My DAZ Library), right?
in preferences, you need to point DS to the directory - so yeah, not uv-mapping or anything, just telling DS where it is
put them where you like (mine are on my D: drive) - and as many as you like but there's probably a practical limit (I've got 6 plus 8 poser-format directories and DS runs fine)
ok, the word mapping was a bit ambiguous... but i was almost sure ^^
wow, you have THAT many libraries? .. i thought one for rendo and another for freebies... that's good news.
where i like, this means the only things that need to be in a precise place in a given runtime (for the objects/figures/scenes to find them) are textures, geometries etc, also what is referenced to, but the things i pick, also props, figures, presets etc, can be placed everywhere, right? the reference is relative, not absolute then?
I have about 30; 36 to be precise, of which 32 are accessible by Studio, and 19 by DIM
omGGGGGGGG! and me worrying about creating 1 or 2
i never fumbled much about the way stuff was automatically installed, because i always thought the references were absolute = following the exact path from the root directory C, D etc. but as i looked into a duf or cr2 file in notepad++ recently, the path was user defined (with the creator's name on their own pc, which is certainly not my name), but the file was still working here. hence i deducted that the path was relative to the runtime or library...
so now i can finally put some order in this horrible chaos where i can't find anything!
thank you @everyone in this thread who helped and gave some info ^^
Sorry to go a bit off topic here. But i have to ask.
I had 2 And merged them all to 1 as i got nuts trying to find stuff. (So all my Hair is in the hair folder)
My question is two fold. Why so many and how do you find stuff. In other words what is your reasoning behind this. (Maybe it will help me structure things more)
yeah..i was just asking - but myself, not anyone else - exactly the same question... if it was better to order stuff maybe by shop and freebies (i might remember where i got sth, or see it in my account, and i usually keep zips by place where i got sth, in case i need to go back there), or maybe by item category (hair, clothing, since in runtime all such poser stuff is into figures, or different categories of props..), or maybe another system... i think all variations have pros/cons. beside the herculean work when you have a few GB of each.
the huge problem especially with runtime (poser) but also duf stuff is that many vendors/creators put their name first instead of whatever the item is. so under props, you'd have to remember that XYZ made it before you actually see "whatever hair", and this might work for shop items, hardly for isolated freebies... this is a totally stupid system, no idea why they ever started like this... maybe when people had like 10 figures, 20 sets of clothing and 15 types of hair... luckily, some creators use the name of the product.
Maybe by Genre (sci-fi, fantasy, contemporarely, etc) I could see a use for that.
What i find far more anoying is people making typo's in foldernames (or forget a folder so its in the main clothing folder instead of cloding\productame), Buildings/rooms sometimes in environment, somtimes in environment and architecture and sometimes in props. Cloting textures not in teh clothing folder of the item they are for. (but this is a different discussion)
yeah i think sometimes people have mixed up "folders" and "metadata categories"... i noticed but wasn't sure if it was a good idea to rectify this. normally according to MY logic it shouldn't do anything since those things are not the ones referenced to (unlike geometry/textures etc) but i'm not sure - and if failed, you have to reinstall the product... and delete the scattered bits you've moved :/
hmm yeah.. but genre is not clearly defined.. like hair.. or props. i mean unless they're blatant.. i already cringe when in shops things are ordered that way, it's subjective...
Yeah hair can be difficult to categorize but:
I think its prety clear this goes in the fantasy category.
WHAT? fairies aren't real?
... cmon you're joking. next, you gonna tell me santa isn't real either, uh? 
Yes, relative paths - so long as your product is in the same directory as it's data / textures / etc, it'll all be fine.
With my poser format directories, I have one for environments, one for the millenium 3 figures, one for millenium 4, one for fantasy critters, etc, etc.
My DS ones are mostly a main one and one for my own stuff, then a few 'in-progress products' (so they're small ones with only one product in - makes it easier to zip-up later).
DS is good at being able to use it's own subfolders though so you can organise by folder rather than directory (if you like). I manually install everything so I put environments under 'Environments: Contemporary' or 'Environments: Sci-fi' etc (even if the vendor put it under 'props' for some reason). (I do this with poser runtimes too - DS can read 'props' that are put under 'figures' and 'hair' under 'props' etc (don't know if the latest Poser can do that but the older versions were very picky about things being in the right part of the library).
i don't really have a problem (meaning i'm not keen on reorganizing it) with original daz stuff, since MOST products have metadata and a smart content picture, i work a lot with the smart content panel, i also like the feature that allows you to jump to addons/product/folders etc. i don't mind scrolling thru big-ish pictures - as long as the category has been picked correctly/makes sense - it's ok for me the way it is. exception: i'm not happy with all the "lost and found" stuff tho, they should really update the items with metadata. or when some thumbnails disappear... (yeah, THAT triangle).
the biggest issue is everything that isn't smart, because while it's usually possible to find it in the content panel IF you know what you want or what you search... it's impossible to see "by product" with an image. and the text/the icons are very small (i should update my glasses lol, no $$ tho).
i tried p3do but i'm not at ease with the UI, pity cuz there bigger thumbs are visible. and the new DS content manager might help, but not trying this out tho until "all" bugs are eliminated.
so what i need to organize is as you say poser format directories, but especially all freebies/other shop items that are not smart, be it poser or DS/duf format. tons of little isolated items/clothing/hair... otherwise i'm happy with how DIM does/places things in general, except when it makes errors (or the vendor/sales dpt).
^You can also use 'Categories' in DS to set up your own groups for products (whether Poser or DS format, from here or other places) - you'd need to set up each product after installing it though so depending on how much you download, a separate directory might be easier ;)
I do have figures in the Hair/Main Library and Props iirc - just a couple due to the way Daz 'organise' and 'enforce' suitable conventions from PAs, I'm aware of it but it isn't a real issue as I rarely go looking for a character as-is; I'm either using a sliding to add a little, or loading a character subset I've created with customised textures and favourties flagged and then much more likely using a slider to add a little of this or that.
I put stuf in People, Hair, Props, Pose libraries etc; I have custom ones that are for things I've altered or made myself; I have a working one that gets what's more important now. I have others for Renderosity, Share CG etc.
Some are rarely used and haven't much in them - which suggests I should remove them or consolidate, but I have no plans to. The library that has the biggest affect on load times is the People Library, as it makes load G8F take 3 times longer than if the library is removed from Studio's perview.
I leave 'Smart' content the hell alone; I don't like it, for a variety of reasons.
The best way of finding something though, is with DIM; find it in there, then look where the various files are; I don't usually just want the user facing files.
sure, i know.. and i even wanted to do it as i started with DS (or when smart content appeared?), but after i read a few times that some users got their whole categories annihilated with updates or bugs or whatever, after having spent hours/weeks/months doing everything to their liking.. i gave up the idea. plus, as you say, "each product after installing it", it's a bit late with the X GB i have now, haha. it's actually a pity that the safety of user metadata isn't guaranteed, because it's exactly what this feature has been created for...
and i'm not sure it's easier with a directory, because i can't just move stuff to & fro, i'm sure/i know there are bits everywhere especially for poser products... so i have to check back with the original zip every time for every product.
shouda adopted directory/category solution years ago before it has grown to a GB maze TT