Esha's cute jewelry for A3 needs correcting in the cr2 file

in The Commons
I am playing with A3! I have retired and now playing with the hundreds of things I have.
The jewelry for A3 is so very precious. However, the earring load "Mentha Piperata Clothes" earrings. There is no reason for this since the obj is there for Esha's earrings. So, is it me??
I imported the obj's for Esha's earrings, so no problem. I'm just wondering if someone would take a look at the cr2 file for me!!
Thank you so much!
The MenthaPiperata earrings also use 'Earrings.obj' although - ofcourse - a different one in a different foder. It appears that DS finds the 'Mentha-version' first when it searches the runtime(s). You could always try renaming the A3 obj to - say - Earrings_A3.obj, AND change the name in the .cr2 to that.... (There are 2 references to the .obj - in lines 7 and 76). Don't forget to backup....

I will do that!! Thank you so much!